The Department of Transportation released its final numbers for airline baggage fee revenue from 2010 and Delta has sent a very loud message to the rest of the industry: Y’all got a lot of catching up to do. [More]

DOT Fines Continental For Not Disclosing Fuel Surcharge On Website
Fuel surcharges can add hundreds of dollars to the cost of a flight, a fact that travelers trying to buy tickets on Continental’s website weren’t finding out until after they had selected their itinerary. That’s why the Depart of Transportation has slapped the airline with a $120,000 fine. [More]

TSA Screeners At JFK Admit To Stealing $160K From Passengers
It must be tempting to be a TSA screener, seeing bags full of expensive goodies going through your scanner and knowing how easy it would be to make those bags disappear. Two TSA agents at JFK Airport in NYC gave into that temptation, swiping at least $160,000 from travelers. [More]

Southwest, JetBlue Fly High In Zagat Airline Survey
For the 20th year in a row, the people at Zagat have done a survey of passengers on the major domestic and international airlines. And by the looks of it, travelers are much more pleased with the likes of Southwest, JetBlue and Virgin than they are the old-timers like United, Delta and American. [More]

ExpressJet Pilot Just Says No To Full-Body Scan Or Pat-Down
A pilot of Continental’s ExpressJet line has stirred up a ruckus after refusing to submit to either a full-body scan or the alternative, a hands-on pat-down from a TSA screener. [More]

Some Airlines Jettisoning First Class Seats
Global austerity has lead some airlines to chuck first class seats out the air lock. [More]

Shareholders Say "Voltron Unite!" To United-Continental Merger
United and Continental are oh so close to merging, now that shareholders for both airlines have approved the deal. [More]

Continental Loses Dog, Offers $1,000 Reward For Her Return
It’s been almost two weeks since Daisy, a 4-year-old Golden Lab/Shepherd mix, broke free of her leash during a layover at Newark Liberty International Airport, but Continental Airlines is holding out hope that she’s still alive and is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone that finds her. [More]

Justice Dept. Clears Way For Continental-United Merger
The marriage between Continental and United Airlines got one huge step closer to happening on Friday when investigators at the Justice Department wrapped up their four-month inquiry into the merger and offered its blessing. [More]

Continental Refuses To Believe Woman's Service Dog Is Real
Continental sure has a lot of skeptical employees when it comes to customers with disabilities. Jessica tried to buy a ticket yesterday and was told no, because the ticket agent didn’t believe that Jessica’s self-trained service dog was legit. [More]

Here's What A Merged United/Continental Plane Will Look Like
Continental and United Airlines won’t officially join to form their airline Voltron for several months, but yesterday they released this image of how the branding on their planes will work once the merger is complete. [More]

Continental Airlines Testing Self-Boarding In Houston
While it’s been used overseas for years, Continental Airlines has become the first airline to try out self-boarding — i.e., scanning your own boarding pass as you board a plane — at a U.S. airport. [More]

I'm Watching Continental Let My Bags Get Soaked, Will I Be Compensated?
Reader Ken is sitting on a plane right now watching his bags get soaked. He’s wondering if he’ll be able to get compensation for the water damage. [More]

Continental Introduces New, Fancier Cocktails… For A Fee, Of Course
A lot of air travelers partake of liquor while flying, whether it’s to calm the nerves or just something to make watching the latest Robert Pattinson movie on a 6″ screen palatable. But for those passengers who find a gin and tonic lacks the razmatazz to match their personality, Continental will soon have the solution… and be willing to charge you premium for it. [More]

Passengers Sue To Stop Continental-United Merger
With both Continental and United Airlines ready to say “I do,” a group of peeved passengers has busted into the church prepared to give their reasons for why these two carriers should not be wed. [More]

Frequent Flier Miles Easier To Earn, Harder To Use
For anyone wanting to earn reward miles on their favorite airline, the options are many. Your credit and debit cards can earn miles, so can taking online surveys or taking part in experimental drug trials (okay, not that last one). But while it’s becoming increasingly easy to accrue miles, it’s becoming more difficult to actually cash them in. [More]

Continental Airlines Forgets That Planes Need Pilots
We’re not sure what is going on with Continental Airlines lately but people are writing in to let us know that something foul is afoot. The latest indignity also involves the Manchester, NH airport. Apparently, a reader who was unable to get to Cleveland on time was told that the airline simply forgot to schedule a pilot for his flight. [More]

Continental Takes Three Days And Counting To Fly Passenger From Texas to New Hampshire
Poor Ashley, all she wanted was to fly from Houston to Manchester to visit her friend for the weekend. She planned to leave on Thursday, but Continental apparently overbooked a whole mess of flights and could only get her to Detroit the next day. From there Continental planned to send her onto Manchester with Delta, but that didn’t work out either. After spending a night stuck in Detroit, Ashley made it to Atlanta, where Delta figured she would manage to catch one of their many flights to New England. Nope! Instead, things got much, much worse. [More]