Hasbro promised to replace a Nerf product that broke within minutes of being removed from its package, but that was back in October and Ed still hasn’t received anything.
contact info

Small Claims Court Winners Having Trouble Collecting Money From Elusive "Spa Man"
“People think when they come to court that they are going to get instant relief,” said Judge Rebecca Dallet of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court. “We can give what the law allows, but we have no way of getting the money for them. I don’t think people realize that.”

Get Your Expired Bloomingdale's Gift Card Balance Restored
Pam had a Bloomingdale’s gift card that went unused for a couple of years, and when she tried to spend it last weekend, she was told it had expired. Pam found a way to get the balance restored fairly quickly, though. If you’ve got a card from before February 2008, try Pam’s advice below.

LPC Has Pre-Approved Your Neighbor For Credit—Please Let Him Know
I just opened my mail for today. I just received a pre-approved credit card application and they ::oops:: included another one for my neighbor, in my envelope.

Bally Total Fitness Scams College Student By Swapping Contracts
Chanda signed up for a month-to-month membership at a Bally Total Fitness in Montclair, California, but when things went wrong—as they frequently do with this company—Chanda found himself signed up for a 3-year agreement. Their proof? An unsigned contract that doesn’t look like the one he was given.

How To Reach Someone At CVS
An anonymous tipster sent us the following information today on how to reach the executive level at CVS. Remember, don’t use this to be a jerk to anyone—use it when you have a valid complaint that you can’t get resolved through the recommended paths.

Qwest Updates Contact Page To Explain Why They Don't Accept Emails
Yesterday we noted that Qwest has done away with their “email us” option on their contact page, and in a comical example of corporate doublespeak they’d printed, “Your questions and concerns are very important to us, however we are no longer able to respond to email.” Today it looks like Qwest has changed that pop-up window to provide a little more information.

Qwest Does Away With Support Via Email
Update: Qwest has updated their contact page to provide (slightly) more information.

Contact Info For Greyhound Bus Lines
There’s not a lot of contact info on the web for Greyhound or its executives, but one determined customer has put a lot of effort into documenting what there is. Here are mailing addresses and a few unpublished phone numbers for people in the Greyhound executive offices.

Updated: Email Addresses For Register.com Execs
jruggierio@register.com – John Ruggerio – VP Sales

Reach Tier 2 And 3 Support At Verizon Wireless
One more number to add to the Verizon Wireless Executive Rolodex: 866-237-9122.

Email Addresses For Best Buy Execs
Here’s a nifty list of contact info for Best Buy execs, rooted up by one of our determined readers in his quest to get his Rewards account working properly.

Email Addresses For Qwest Executives
Update: Here’s a better list. One good thing about Matt’s troubles with his mom’s Qwest account is he was able to collect and test various email addresses for their executives. Here’s his list of the ones that work and the ones that don’t.

How To Find Executive Contact Information Using Google Finance And Your Brain
People often write to us and ask “Hey do you have such and such a company’s email address? I didn’t see it on your website.”

Sprint Gives Itself The Runaround
Reader Rob tells us that the CSRs manning the Sprint Consumerist Hotline get the same runaround you do when they try to talk to other departments of their own company.