Now that Apple’s exclusivity period has come and gone, users of Android devices will finally be able to access HBO Now, the standalone streaming service that lets users access HBO content online without having to pay for a basic cable package (or borrow a friend’s HBO Go password). [More]
at long last

There’s Finally A Tablet Made Just For Women Because Those iThingies Are So Darn Confusing
Now that womenfolk have gotten a handle on that whole “writing with pretty pens” thing, it’s time we catch up with technology! But those iThingies, screen books and Galactic whaddyacallits are so confusing. Thank goodness the makers of the ePad Femme are here to save the day with a gender-specific tablet. Can you plug your sparkly pink ethernet cord into it, though? [More]

Congratulations, Cablevision Customers: You'll Finally Be Watching The NFL Network This Season
If you’re a Cablevision customer who’s been languishing in a desert devoid of the NFL Network and RedZone channels, your oasis is in sight: The National Football League has finally reached a deal with Cablevision to carry the two channels in time for the upcoming season, which begins on Sept. 5. Starting tomorrow, customers will have the channels in their cable rosters. Time for a touchdown dance, perhaps. [More]

Bank Of America To Pay Woman $300K It Owed For Trying To Foreclose On Her 4 Years Ago
A Texas woman’s “nightmare” of three court cases in six years is finally over, after a judge ordered Bank of America to pay her the $300,000 it’s owed her since 2008. Trudie’s troubles all started after a hurricane damaged her home in 2006, and her then-mortgage company told her not to worry about paying her loan for three months so she could get back on her feet. [More]
Consumerist Comments Beta Test Begins Later Today
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that Consumerist has been without reader comments for the last 12 months. We’re pleased to announce that today we are launching a beta test of the new system and will hopefully be rolling it out to all readers in the coming weeks. [More]