Some parents think its adorable for their tykes to scream their ABCs in public or use waiting room chairs as jungle gyms. Most others, though, are simply annoyed by the presence of unruly rugrats and would rather not be subjected to their antics while they try to take care of business. [More]
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8 Simple Rules For Sitting Near Me In A Movie Theater
Ringing cell phones, incessant texting, screaming kids and chattering neighbors can all make moviegoing a harrowing experience. There’s an unwritten social contract that anyone in a theater should know to adhere to, but too many people seem unaware of its existence. [More]

How To Pass Through A Door
Ever notice how many people don’t know how to go through a door? They don’t know how to hold it for other people, and, when the door is held for them, they just keep on walking without even mumbling their thanks. How rude! To rectify this situation, designer Isadora Dantas has created this helpful flowchart that instructs users in the proper way to pass through a door. If this graphic was distributed along with building access badges, the world would be a better place. [More]

How To Extinguish Your Bad Breath
Other than NFL linemen on Sundays, no one likes to roam around poisoning others’ personal space with bad breath. If you’re afraid your exhalation is stinking up the joint, you’ve got to take corrective measures. [More]