Parents, Do Everyone A Favor And Keep Your Toddlers Away From These Public Places

Some parents think its adorable for their tykes to scream their ABCs in public or use waiting room chairs as jungle gyms. Most others, though, are simply annoyed by the presence of unruly rugrats and would rather not be subjected to their antics while they try to take care of business.
Rants From Mommyland advises parents to keep their little kids away from these places:
* Doctor’s offices. Waiting rooms are hectic enough without screaming children who don’t need to be there. Kids tend to run around the wide open spaces, only adding to the stress level.
* Barber shops and salons. Your kids won’t wait quietly for you as you get a haircut. They’ll be understandably bored and possibly freaked out, looking to draw your attention the best way they know how, by acting out.
* The library. It’s important to read to kids, but make sure to do it in the privacy of your own home. People expect relative quiet inside, including the children’s area, so keep them away unless it’s to attend a storytime event.
5 Places NOT to Take a Toddler [Rants From Mommyland]
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