
UPDATE: Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

UPDATE: Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

Eager to prevent another snakesonablog style sleepy tech debacle, a Comcast rep contacted us about the unwelcomlingly amorous cable installer. She says:

Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

Comcast Tech Fails Installing Cable to Customer’s Heart

It’s expected that Comcast cable installs are both late and flawed, but Andrew W’s friend adds a new wrinkle: unwelcome love advances.

FCC Good For Something

If you’re pissed about TimeWarner buying Adelphia and cutting your NFL Net coverage, have heart.

TimeWarner’s Adelphia Buyout Continues to Suck For You

You don’t mess with a man’s football.

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Adam Pash, Lifehacker associate editor, moved into a new apartment and signed up for Adelphia internet connection, which promptly had mad troubs. Which is understandable. Adelphia is bankrupt.

Exclusive: Time Warner Dissolves Houston Division of Texas-Kansas City Cable Partners

We just got sent this internal announcement announcing Houston’s Cable Partners annihilation.


• Freezing Conan O’ Brian? Bad customer service we can understand, Comcast, but that’s just vindictive. [Kevin Green]

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

UPDATE: Comcast Censors Critical Nightline Story

UPDATE: Comcast Censors Critical Nightline Story

Reader Jason reports that a fishy cut of last Friday’s Nightline was also heard in their podcast of the show. Listen here. Missing on both the internet-over-tv service and the podcast was a segment containing an infamous clip mocking the cable operator.

A Blogosphere Reacts

People are linking to the our AOL retention manual article, as well as a mal-edited Comcast broadcast. They’re saying things and we’re reading them. Now we’re telling them to you.

UPDATE: Comcast Censors Critical Nightline Story

When Consumerist readers and users of Comcast’s tv-over-internet service watched our clip on Nightline, they were surprised to see that Comcast appeared to censor out a part that was critical of the cable operator. Whither the Sleepy Comcast Tech? We pointed this out to the segment’s producer. 50 minutes later, we got this email from Comcast Corporate Communications:

Comcast Censors Critical Nightline Story

The Sleepy Comcast Technician featured prominently in Nightline’s story last Friday, but you wouldn’t know that if you were watching with Comcast’s tv-over-inernet service. Watch this screen snag:

Comcast Censored Nightline. Help Us Nail ‘Em.

Comcast Censored Nightline. Help Us Nail ‘Em.

We hear rumblings. Rumblings that Comcast put up a streaming version of our Nightline appearance on their subscribers-only site, The Fan. And rumbling from the belly of those rumblings? Word that Comcast just happened to cut the part of the Nightline segment where their company was cast in an unfavorable light.

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

How does $500 extra a year sound? And it doesn’t even require stuffing envelopes.

The News; Whiskered, Stone Ground Finish

The News; Whiskered, Stone Ground Finish

• For a dollar under a hundred, you can get the trifecta of Comcast fuckover! [CT] “Comcast offers bundled service for $99 a month”

Comcast is Nice, Frustrating Man

We’ve been fielding some inquiries lately from news organizations, asking our thoughts about recording customer service interactions. Will Vincent and the Sleepy Comcast guy inspire copycats? Will people try to game the system for kicks and national acclaim? Well, some guy tried to goad a Comcast rep during an intent to cancel call…

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa the Comcast CSR rocks. Hey, we don’t doubt it, despite the terrible company to which she is umbilically affixed. Girls named Lisa tend to rock. But this time, Lisa doesn’t merely rock by dint of her party-girl name, but by saving one of our readers a few bucks when he needs it most.

Comcast, The Bedazzler

Comcast hopes that you will be distracted by these new ads and forget about how much their customer support sucks. What they should really do is capitalize on the sleeping tech fiasco. Do a campaign about how Comcast techs are your buddy. They’re so friendly, you want to hang out with them and play Halo2 and smoke weed and pass out on the sofa together. That tech shouldn’t have been fired, he should have been made company spokesman. Four spots here, found via Adfreak, with hipster mermen, hipster loggers whose jobs have been taken by robots, hipster Das Boot (sucks), and hipster Japanese game show. Whether being cross-bred with sheep and eating skittles or attending officially PRB sanctioned concerts, hipsters are the roxor.