
Sleepy Comcast Denouement

Sleepy Comcast Denouement

Once again, the guy who took a video of the Comcast technician asleep on his couch, is dissatisfied. Oh, his internet works fine and everything. No outages, no malfunctioning routers, no snakes crawling out of his cable box.

The News Sexually Assualts the Senses

The News Sexually Assualts the Senses

• Minions of Cinderfella? [New Orleans City Business] “Transvestite crime gangs pester Magazine Street owners”

Further Musings On The Firing of Sleepy Comcast Tech

Further Musings On The Firing of Sleepy Comcast Tech

Brian’s Comcast Tech, fired. We already reported that, we know. But does anyone besides us feel bad for that poor sleepy tech?

Sleepy Comcast Tech Fired

Sleepy Comcast Tech Fired

Plenty of rock a bye babies and sweet dreams await Brian’s Comcast tech, now that he has no job to get up for. The Comcast rep who fell asleep on a customer’s couch while lamely attempting to fix his router has been fired, Comcast said. Brian grabbed a camera and uploaded the proceedings to YouTube, where it got 200,00+ hits and ended up on Countdown on MSNBC. That was Tuesday.

Comcast Tech Falls Asleep on Customer’s Couch

Brian had a Comcast tech come to his house to replace a router, one of two broken ones they provided. The operation shouldn’t have taken but a moment. Instead the tech was on hold with Comcast for 90 minutes. And he fell asleep. Brian made a video documenting the affair.

Jaws Of Comcast

Just when you thought it was safe to connect your computer to the internet, Comcast customer service rears its crappy head again.

Bitchin’ Heard Round the Blogosphere

Bitchin’ Heard Round the Blogosphere

Insert your blogged complaint here. Why should these folks get all the traffic?

The News is Incredibly Newsy

The News is Incredibly Newsy

• Reporter buys a cheap Dell and opens every spam and suspicious file to see how much malware and viruses he can get before Geek Squad declares it a total loss. [Wired]

Comcast Sucks It

Comcast Sucks It

Another log on the bonfire of Comcast’s legion crappy customer service, John’s internet went out for no reason and Comcast is going to take at least six days to show up. Six days without spam, guys taking videos of their coffee maker or DRM news.

Yet Another Comcast Customer Burned

Comcast, why is your scheduling system made out of peanut-butter and bits of baling wire?

Cable Install Horrors: The Wall Fish Expert

Cable Install Horrors: The Wall Fish Expert

A mysterious stranger, spoken of in exuberant tones, he is the one, the Last Scion, he who can magically draw a cable connection through the wall without drilling more holes than a methed-out woodpecker in a balsa wood warehouse, he is… The Wall Fish Expert!

Bitching Gets Comcast Fixed

Bitching Gets Comcast Fixed

Empower thyself, consumer. Jonathan writes:

Comcast Kills Woman

Please help me. Comcast is killing me.“

The Cableman Strikes Thrice!

The Cableman Strikes Thrice!

We think we’ve discovered the Rosetta Stone of cable company installation stories.

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

You call up the cable company, schedule an appointment, take off time from work and they don’t show up. You’ve heard, or told, the story many a time. In fact, we receive this same complaint several times a month.

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

We received several complaints and consumer stories in the past few days that, while heartfelt, weren’t epic. Ergo, we put them all together into one package and post them after the jump.

Stupid Moments In Billing History

Puzzle time, from Reader Adrian!

Comcast Oversold Bandwidth

Comcast Oversold Bandwidth

Comcast oversold bandwith in Bay Area, California, resulting in speeds slower than dialup.