If you go on TV to argue a controversial viewpoint, it’s to be expected when the host of the show questions you on your allegations. But what happened last Friday on CNBC’s Closing Bell is just an embarrassing example of how far a financial “news” network will go to defend the head of a huge bank just because that institution is performing well on the stock exchange. [More]

Someone At CNBC Has A Crush On Geek Squad
We get a lot of complaints here at Consumerist HQ about Best Buy and its Geek Squad group. Prolonged repairs, bizarre diagnoses, pre-optimized laptops, and banning people who successfully sue them. But you wouldn’t know any of this from a new, in-depth piece by the folks at CNBC. [More]

Worst Company In America: eBay VS GE
An internet auction giant, payment processor and ticket broker? Or the parent company of CNBC, retail store card giant, maker of light bulbs and appliances… No, we don’t mean the Sheinhardt Wig Company…

Suze Orman’s Life Story, Condensed
Women’s Wear Daily has published a short biography of Suze Orman, 57-year-old CNBC personality, Oprah repeat-guester, and aggressive promoter of financial advice and self. Her father’s poultry shop burned down when she was a child (“Daddy was a failed man.”). At age 30, she lost $50,000 of borrowed money in oil futures, which led her to give up her dream of opening a restaurant and instead enter a training program at Merrill Lynch to pay back the money. Her second book agent—the one who helped shoot her to the top—told her she had to lose 30 pounds to be marketable. And so on: seeing how someone aggressively pursues media stardom is a sausage-making experience. (That same agent says, “I just thought, ‘Great. Finally an author who knows she can’t write.'”)

Daily Show VS CNBC: "They Burned The F-ing House Down With Our Money And Walked Away Rich As Hell"
It’s the final countdown… Oh, sorry. Jim Cramer appeared on The Daily Show last night to settle the war of words between The Daily Show and CNBC that had been going on since Rick “You Are All Losers” Santelli canceled. Did it get nasty? You bet your ass it did, though we were looking forward to a bout of Jello wrestling that never quite materialized.

Jon Stewart And Jim Cramer %#%@# Hate Each Other
Jon Stewart recently took the time that was to be devoted to an interview of CNBC’s Rick Santelli (Santelli canceled) and instead spent it destroying CNBC. During the destruction, a little bit of shrapnel landed on crazy Jim Cramer and being Jim Cramer — he totally flipped his sh*t and started “defending himself” on MainStreet.com.

Jon Stewart Absolutely Destroys CNBC
If you like CNBC you will probably not enjoy this clip. Jon Stewart, jilted by CNBC’s Howard Beale-esque ranting reporter Rick Santellii, fills the time that would have been dedicated to an interview with more than 8 minutes of …. well, let’s just say that we’re glad that we’re not them.

Jim Cramer's Advice Slightly Worse Than A Coin Toss?
In a not-so-shocking analysis of one of the most-watched TV investment advisers, author Eric Tyson argues that Jim Cramer’s actual stock-picking performance doesn’t match the strength of his bellowing.

Jim Cramer Did Not Actually Say What He Said Yesterday… Or Something
Yesterday, Jim Cramer annoyed Ann Curry by saying the following words on her little television program, which is known as The Today Show: “Ok, whatever money you may need for the next five years, please, take it out of the stock market. Right now. This week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market.”

Update: Not On CNBC's "On The Money" Tonight
8pm eastern, I’m going to be on CNBC’s “On The Money” tonight hosted by the fastest-shootin’ personal finance expert in the West and East, Carmen Wong Ulrich. We’ll be fielding questions from consumers wanting to know what money moves to make and I’ll chime in with the Consumerist.com perspective. Should be interesting! Got bumped, but should be back on again sometime soon.

"Crazy" Jim Cramer Takes This Opportunity To Gloat
About a year ago, CNBC’s Jim Cramer completely lost his sh*t on CNBC, screaming at Bernanke to lower interest rates before millions of borrowers went into foreclosure. Now, as the “Armageddon” that he was carrying on about is in full swing, Cramer is taking this opportunity to gloat.
Windows Vista Voice Recognition, The Psychopath
From a recent Microsoft Vista press conference in which the built-in Speech Recognition software was demonstrated.

Best Posts Ever, This Week
• Not quite what you would call a garden of earthly delights. “Life Inside in an AOL Call Center“
Consumerist on CNBC
This is us on CNBC’s Powerlunch this afternoon. The other talking head is Tom Mangan, a VP at Convergys Customer Care Group. He steals our bit at one point. Never trust a man in a moustache.