
UPDATE: Kitten-Filled YouTube Mocks T-Mobile's $629 Foot-Dragging

From what we can gather, T-mobile said he was responsible for all charges made before he reported the incident. Then they said they would wipe all the charges, after he faxed a police report. Then they kept saying they never got the fax.

The Most Excruciatingly Painful, Yet Typical, Customer Service Call Ever

RELATED: Send Us Your Customer Service Calls And We’ll Mock Their Flaws

The Credit Card Song

[via Money, Matter, and More Musings]

Credit Card National Bank

[via Money, Matter, and More Musings]

VIDEO: "Mercury Is A Natural Element" – Free Lightbulb Day At Chelsea Home Depot

While we agree with Mr. skeptical glasses in the video that it’s a good PR move for Home Depot, and coincides with the launch of their “green label” line of “eco-friendly” products, you know, consumers need a push with this issue. It’s hard for the shoppers at large to understand that while they cost a little bit more than your basic bulb, they will use less energy and save you money in the long-run. They also look funny.

VIDEO: Tie This Easy Knot On Produce Bags For Drawstring Access

You know how it is, picking at knots for minutes, whittling down your fingernails, and then you get frustrated and say forget it, I’m going to eat some cookies from this nice, easy jar.

SNL Skit: Don't Buy Stuff You Can't Afford

SNL Skit: Don't Buy Stuff You Can't Afford

SNL offers a revolutionary debt and money-management program. Chris Parnell teaches Steve Martin and Amy Poehler the secret to financial success. It’s all detailed in a new book called, “Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford.” Every debtor in America should read it.

United Ad: Some Of Our Best Businessmen, Are Women!

American Airlines getting “female marketing” totally buck wrong isn’t anything new. This United videos shows airlines have been wacky about women since at least 1968. At least. Here’s the transcript:

Geek Squad Sued For Videoing Customer In Shower

Hao Kuo Chi was paying a house call when Sarah Vasquez says he set his camera phone up in the bathroom, left it running, and recorded her bathing.

How Waiters Steal Your Credit Card

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do except watch your credit card statement and report any suspicious transactions as soon as possible. — BEN POPKEN

Universities Get Commissions For Credit Cards Sold On Campus

This CNN report shows how universities are cutting lucrative deals to let credit card marketers push their wares on campus. Schools will get commissions based on signups, or even based on the amount students charge on their new cards.

How To Get A Raise

5. Get it in writing.

Guy Who Flipped Out In Brooklyn Post Office Is NOT Sorry About It

Read the original Daily News story inside, as we can’t seem to find it on their website.

VIDEO: US Airways Baggage Handler Plays Tee-Ball With Packages

The USPS tubes and boxes were set to board America West flight 131 from San Francisco to Las Vegas this Sunday, April 1.

AUDIO: Screaming Dell Customer Can't Figure Out How To Shutdown Laptop (Hint: Hold Down The Power Button…)

We can understand his rage. We’d be angry too if we were born so stupid we couldn’t figure out how to press and hold the power button.

VIDEO: Girl Kicked Off Continental For Excessive Coughing

While we appreciate the pilot’s concern for the other passengers, we still think he was overcautious.

VIDEO: Write In The Shower With Rite-In-The-Rain Notebooks

Using a pencil or a waterproof pen, you can actually write on it underwater. The pages are coated so they never get soggy. The book does get “damp” but it dries off after a while. Your writing stays legible. The book doesn’t dissolve.

Fast Food Deep Fryer Using Live Goldfish Tank

Someone should make a “green” fast-food joint where every machine fed back to the environment in a cool way like this; a “Zero Impact” McDonald’s of sorts. — BEN POPKEN