Remember last year, when various media outlets reported that the mother of a four-year-old child was suing the makers of Nutella for advertising it as a health food? Everyone thought that this was hilarious, because hey, lady, fat-laden choco-paste ain’t a health food. It’s time for us all to stop laughing now, because the class-action lawsuit has been settled for about $3 million, $2.5 million of which is going to consumers willing to admit that they can’t read a nutrition label. [More]
class actions

Walmart Offers $27 Million Settlement In Netflix Class-Action Suit
If you’ve received an email saying you’re entitled to make a claim in a class-action lawsuit against Netflix and Walmart, don’t toss it. Walmart has thrown in the towel and is offering to settle with customers who sued the retail giant and Netflix after the two companies made a deal to promote each other’s DVD businesses. [More]

Verizon Class Action Settlement: Get Refunds For Accidentally Pressing "Get It Now" Button
If Verizon “erroneously” charged you for accidentally pressing the “Get it Now” or “Mobile Web” buttons on your phone, you can file for a refund, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Big Dairy Accused Of Pricefixing Milk By Paying For Cows To Be Killed
A new class action lawsuit accuses several dairy industry juggernauts of paying mainly small farmers to send their entire herds to the slaughterhouse in order to reduce the supply of milk and jack up milk prices. [More]

Get $12 In Chase Credit Card Balance Transfer Class Action
You can file to get $12 because of a settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase which alleged the bank enticed customers with promo interest rates on balance transfers, but then didn’t do a good enough job of telling them when the rates would expire. [More]

Get $3.99 In Oprah Free KFC Coupon Debacle Lawsuit
Two years ago, Oprah promoted on her show a KFC coupon for a free grilled chicken meal. Now the class action lawsuit the resulted after that ended in tears has settled. [More]

Guy Files Class Action Against Hilton For Charging Him 75 Cents For Newspaper He Didn't Ask For
A man has decided to turn a minor annoyance, getting a newspaper at your hotel room door and getting charged for it, into a class action lawsuit. [More]

Get $15, $30, Or $60 In Chase Credit Card "Payment Protection" Class Action
You’re eligible to claim cash if you had a Chase credit card and got charged for a payment protection product between Sept 2, 2004 and Nov 11, 2010, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Get Free Minutes In Verizon Wireless Class Action
A class action suit that alleged Verizon Wireless charged customers on the “America’s Choice II Calling Plan” for roaming, even though the plan is supposed to have no domestic roaming, has resulted in a settlement. If you were a subscriber to this plan at any point after February 21, 2005, you’re gonna get some free minutes. [More]

Lowes Ups Stinky Drywall Settlement From $4,500 To $100,000
Remember those stories about the drywall sold and installed by big American chains that turned out to be contaminated by noxious sulfur smells? Well, now Lowe’s has upped its max payout for affected homeowners from a max of $4,500 in cash and gift cards to $100,000. Replacing the amount of appliances and other possessions irreversibly tainted by the horrid smell can easily reach that one-hundred grand mark so this is a step in the right direction, and lays bare how paltry Lowe’s initial offer was. It’s just business, baby, stinky, stinky, business. [More]

Get $150 In Dell Inspiron "Deceptively Designed" Class Action
A class action lawsuit claims Dell “deceptively designed” its Inspiron laptop series to have “1) inadequate cooling systems, (2) a power supply system that prematurely fails when used as intended, and (3) motherboards that prematurely fail when used as intended.” If you had one of these laptops and paid Dell for a repair, you could be eligible for a $150 payout. [More]

"Shocked" That It's Not Healthy, Mother Sues Nutella
A mother of a four-year old child has filed a class action lawsuit against delicious hazelnut spread Nutella. In her complaint, the mother says she was as “shocked to learn” from her friends “that Nutella was in fact not a ‘healthy,’ ‘nutritious’ food,” as advertised, “but was instead the next best thing to a candy bar.” [More]

Pay Movers A Fuel Surcharge Fee? Get Money Back
If you hired movers and paid a fuel surcharge fee, you could be up for getting some cash back in a recent class action action. [More]

Get Up To $175 In The Clorox Bowl Cleaner Class Action
You can get up to $175 if you bought, used, or suffered property damage from using Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl cleaners, thanks to a class action settlement. [More]

Google Settles Buzz Lawsuit For $8.5 Million; You Don't Get Any Of It
Hey, remember when Google signed everyone up for Buzz without asking and revealed their private contact lists? The company has now settled a class action lawsuit brought by seven Gmail users. The BBC says that 30% will go to the legal team, while each of those seven users will get $2,500. The rest will not be turned into Google stickers or free AdSense ads for you, but instead will be “shared among organisations that promote online privacy.” [More]

Lowe's Proposes To Settle Sulfur-Spewing Drywall Claims With Piddly Gift Cards
Lowe’s is proposing to settle in the tainted drywall class action lawsuit with gift cards. The gift cards will be $50, $250, or $2000. Never mind those who entire homes, way of life, and most of their possessions and electronics ruined or contaminated by the sulfur-emitting drywall. Here, how about a discount on a new showerhead? [More]

Sign Up For MSN Internet At Best Buy? You Could Get $75
If you signed up for MSN Internet at Best Buy between 1999 and 2004, you could be entitled to up to $75. [More]

Fruit Roll-Ups Sued For Allegedly Not Actually Being Healthy
A Brooklyn, NY woman is suing General Mills for allegedly misleading consumers about Fruit Roll-Ups. She claims they are not quite as healthful as the packaging would like you to believe because they contain partially hydrogenated oil. [More]