Systemax Inc., parent company to discount electronics retailer TigerDirect and the new owner of CompUSA, has purchased Circuit City‘s brand, trademarks and e-commerce business, to the surprise of exactly no one.
circuit city

Circuit City Has Left Us, But Its Uniforms Live On
The Circuit City death watch is long over, but now there’s a way to preserve those memories forever—maybe even to outfit an entire troupe of Circuit City re-enactors. Reader chainofcommand02 was shopping in a grocery outlet store when he discovered several cases of Circuit City polo shirts. Yours, for only $1.00.

Did Bad Customer Service Doom Circuit City?
Best-practices guru Joel Spolsky thinks Circuit City imploded because of their terrible customer service, not any “recession” or “macroeconomic conditions” nonsense. To prove his point, he looks at thriving New York electronics retailer B&H, which succeeds because they understand that stellar service leads to healthy profit margins.

Who Is Mourning The Death Of Circuit City? Monster Cable
The notoriously litigious manufacturers of insanely and (some would argue) needlessly expensive cables, Monster Cable, are apparently hurting after the death of Circuit City. USAToday says that the company is slashing prices in order to increase market share.

Worst Company In America: Bank of America VS Circuit City
A bittersweet goodbye to an incompetent electronics store? Or a kick in the butt to last years returning champion?

Systemax Wants To Buy Circuit City Website For $6.5 Million
Systemax, the company behind Tiger Direct (and the buyer of CompUSA’s remains when it went out of business over a year ago) has announced it plans to buy the Circuit City e-commerce business for $6.5 million cash plus a share of the revenue over a 30 month period. Threatens To Rise From The Ashes
A mysterious message can be found at the website of recently-defunct retailer Circuit City.

Worst Company In America: AT&T VS Circuit City
The death star vs a bankrupt, liquidated retailer in its final year of eligibility? Who makes you angry?

Best Buy Taking Over Circuit City Credit Cards
“Good news about your credit card account,” proclaims the letter Wilman recently received from Chase. Starting in May, you’ll be able to use that Circuit City card to make purchases at Best Buy. We think this is more like “mixed feelings” news, but on the plus side you won’t have an otherwise good credit card account closed (assuming you care about your FICO score). See the Chase letter below.
18 million is the number of square feet of retail space vacated by Circuit City. Yikes. [Consumer Reports]

Inspecting Circuit City Liquidation Merchandise Averts Disaster
Reader Eric writes in to let us know that our advice about inspecting Circuit City liquidation merchandise before buying it saved his brother from getting stuck with the wrong item.
The Chicago Tribune reports on the sad state of the Circuit City on Elston Ave. Apparently, the remaining stock consists mainly of American Idol themed merchandise and a Sony Viao with 9 missing keys for only $623.99. Don’t skip school or anything, kids. [Chicago Tribune]

If We Buy This And Give It Back To You, Will You Read It, Circuit City Execs?
After seeing our photo evidence of the sorry state of the St. Peters, MO, Circuit City yesterday, Eric decided to check out the final days of the Circuit City in Poughkeepsie, NY. He writes, “On one clearance table, among the overpriced cables, I saw this. I’m not sure what this was doing there, but it’s probably something the Circuit City executives should have read a few years ago, huh?” Yes, but it’s never too late! Those executives are going to end up working somewhere after all. By the way, do CC execs get a liquidation discount?

The Photograph That Pretty Much Sums Up Circuit City
Reader Adrian emailed this photo of the Circuit City in St. Peters, MO.

Circuit City Basically Totally Done By March 8th
Looks like March 8th will be the last day on earth for many Circuit City stores. A reader saw a sign in a liquidated Circuit City that said the final day would be March 8th. Also, an insider saw a memo that indicated the “bulk” of the stores, 500 or so, would be closed on March 8th. The memo said stores are closing so early because “sales are ahead of schedule.” At this point in the liquidation cycle, “It looks like whatever hasn’t been picked through is starting to be actually decent prices” writes reader Will. “I scored an XM radio unit for 85 vs. about 110-130 on the net, and a Harmony One remote for 125 vs. 170 on the net.” However, he noted, “TV prices were still not cheaper than the internet.” So, it’s now safe to shop at Circuit City, just make sure to bring your internet price-checking devices.

Circuit City Liquidation Price VS Reality
Reader Kenneth stopped by his local post-apocalyptic Circuit City for an evening of bargain hunting. Was he successful, you ask? No, sadly Kenneth did not bag his limit of deals and return home happy. Instead, he found a $30 6′ USB cable.

The "Real" Reason Circuit City Went Under
After fifteen minutes of being ignored by Circuit City executives, Pliego decided to try to find the documents himself. Frustrated, Pliego ultimately tapped acting Chief Executive James A. Marcum on the shoulder and told him he couldn’t find the financial statements he was looking for.