Systemax Inc., parent company to discount electronics retailer TigerDirect and the new owner of CompUSA, has purchased Circuit City‘s brand, trademarks and e-commerce business, to the surprise of exactly no one.
circuit city death watch Threatens To Rise From The Ashes
A mysterious message can be found at the website of recently-defunct retailer Circuit City.

Inspecting Circuit City Liquidation Merchandise Averts Disaster
Reader Eric writes in to let us know that our advice about inspecting Circuit City liquidation merchandise before buying it saved his brother from getting stuck with the wrong item.
The Chicago Tribune reports on the sad state of the Circuit City on Elston Ave. Apparently, the remaining stock consists mainly of American Idol themed merchandise and a Sony Viao with 9 missing keys for only $623.99. Don’t skip school or anything, kids. [Chicago Tribune]

The Photograph That Pretty Much Sums Up Circuit City
Reader Adrian emailed this photo of the Circuit City in St. Peters, MO.

Circuit City Liquidation Price VS Reality
Reader Kenneth stopped by his local post-apocalyptic Circuit City for an evening of bargain hunting. Was he successful, you ask? No, sadly Kenneth did not bag his limit of deals and return home happy. Instead, he found a $30 6′ USB cable.

Circuit City Liquidation: If You Buy A Shattered TV, You Are Out Of Luck
WCVB TV in Boston has an interview with two Circuit City liquidation customers who are out $1,100 after they bought a Samsung LCD TV from Circuit City’s liquidation sale — only to find out that it was totally shattered. When they tried to return it — Circuit City’s liquidator told them the merchandise was sold “as is” and cannot be returned for any reason. WCVB TV says there’s a sign in one store telling customers not to open the merchandise, and another that allows customer to check their merchandise only after they’ve paid for it. Is this ethical?

Hey, Let's All Go To School At A Vacant Circuit City!
The Realtor handing Circuit City‘s soon to be empty real estate is suggesting that the stores be converted into schools. Awesome.

The Circuit City Liquidation Has The Worst Laptop Deal Of All Time
Reader TJ says he’s found the worst laptop deal of all time, and it’s at a Circuit City liquidation sale in Florida.

Behold, Another Investigation Concludes That Circuit City's Liquidation Sale Is Awful
Hey, we’re sorry if you’re getting sick of hearing about how Circuit City’s liquidation sale isn’t a good deal, but it’s our duty to inform you that yet another local news investigation has determined that CC’s sales are crappy. In this case, they found every single item they shopped for, from DVDs to big screen TVs, cheaper on-line — and took a look at a laptop that is now being sold at a sale price that is more than before the store was taken over by liquidators. Let’s listen in:

6 Liquidation Sale Tips From A Circuit City Employee
Sam, a reader who says he is a current Circuit City employee, writes in to offer his advice on navigating the liquidation.

A Tsunami Of Evidence The Circuit City's Liquidation Sale Completely Sucks
More and more media outlets are catching on to the fact that Circuit City’s liquidation “deals” aren’t as hot as normal sale prices.

Circuit City: Long Lines For Few Bargains
Consumer Reports took a look at the so-called deals that people are flocking to at Circuit City — and again found that prices are higher than they would have been had the store not been liquidated. Judging by the photos of enormous crowds that are showing up in our Flickr pool — people still think that liquidation sales are bargains.
Local media confirms that, for the most part,…

Was Circuit City's Website Pulled Because The Deals Were Too Good?
If you’ve tried to check out the so-called liquidation “deals” that might be advertised on Circuit City’s website, you’ve no doubt noticed that the website no longer exists. HDGuru grabbed some prices from the site before it was taken down — and they say that the regular website deals were better than the 10% off being offered at a doomed Circuit City in Massapequa, NY.

Consumerist's Top 10 Circuit City Stories Of All Time
Now that Circuit City is going to be liquidated — it’s time to look back on the store that was. Here are our top 10 Circuit City stories of all time, in order of popularity. Enjoy.

GRAPH: The Decline And Fall Of Circuit City
Liquidation is a time for reflection, we guess, so we put together a nice little time line of Circuit City’s precipitous decline over the past 2 years. We begin our journey in March of 2007, when Circuit City announced that it was firing everyone who knew what 1080p meant so that they could hire cheaper labor…

Liquidators Are Bidding On Circuit City, Including Gordon Brothers
Although they are accepting offers from buyers who intend to keep the retail operation going — Bloomberg reports that Circuit City is taking bids from liquidators — including the notorious Gordon Brothers (of CompUSA fame.)