Now you can know what Big Brother knows about you and get access to the same dirt everyone from your boss, landlord, insurance agent, to your favorite casino has on you. Here is a comprehenisve list of websites and phone numbers for most of the “specialty” consumer reports, like your employment, rental, and check writing history. Be sure to check them out and correct any errors, before a crisis hits. [More]

Your Credit Report Isn't The Only Report You Should Monitor
When an insurer decides whether to offer you a new policy, or whether to raise rates on a current one, he most likely pulls a CLUE report that lists any homeowner or automobile insurance loss claims (or sometimes even just inquiries) that you’ve made over the past 3-7 years. Hopefully you monitor your consumer credit report for errors, but as you can see, that’s not the only one you should keep an eye on.

Target Loses all Evidence of Your Application, Thinks You Were Never Hired
Tipster William was ready to start his seasonal job at Target when he was told that there was no record of him ever being scheduled, taking a drug test, or ever being hired.

Consumer Sues Choicepoint For Saying She Was In An Accident She Wasn't In
Angie Duckworth is suing Choicepoint and State Farm for $75,000+ for reporting her as being in an accident she wasn’t in, and messing up her credit report.

Do A Background Check On Yourself
Companies can order all sorts of reports on you and make judgments about you, from banks, to landlords to employers. Here’s how you can see the data they’re seeing and make sure the record is right.

Get A C.L.U.E. Report
Whoever thought a car crash could affect your house? Even if you weren’t even involved in the car crash?

Choicepoint Coverage Lands Consumerist in NYT
Welcome, readers from this morning’s NYT business section.
Worst Company in America: FINAL ROUND
Don’t forget to vote in the Worst Company in America poll! Polls close Friday.
Worst Company in America: FINAL ROUND
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Don’t Forget to Vote, ChoicePoint vs US Government
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HR 3997: Worst Bill Ever for Identity Theft?
HR 3997 might be a bill to watch if you’re concerned about your data getting sold to identity thieves by companies like ChoicePoint
Round 13: US Government vs. ChoicePoint
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Round 11: Southwest vs. ChoicePoint
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Worst Company in America: Tier 1 Results
Ladies and Gentlemen, your Tier 1 champions! Some no-brainers, squeakers and absolute pummeling.