There are people who like eating out, and then there are people who track every single meal over a 58 year-basis using a spreadsheet. Those kinds of people include one man who’s chronicled 6,297 of his meals at different Chinese restaurants in the Los Angles area and all around the country, because well, he felt like it. [More]
chinese food

When Stealing A Food Delivery Car, The Polite Thing To Do Is Finish Dropping Off Orders
It would be such a bummer if you ordered a bunch of Chinese food and were then told that your delivery wouldn’t arrive because the delivery guy had his car stolen. Maybe the guy who allegedly did just that has a heightened sense of empathy — or he just wanted some extra cash — because cops say he decided to keep dropping off food. [More]

Woman Calls 911 Because Her Chinese Food Order Was Wrong
Savannah police have released the recording of a call a woman made to report that she got the wrong food in her Chinese food delivery. They published the call as a reminder to the public that it’s a misdemeanor to call 911 unless there’s an actual emergency. Here is a transcript and the audio of the call: [More]

Panda Express Makes You Pay For Food That Never Comes
How long is an unacceptable length of time to wait for your fast food? When Panda Express ran out of a few of the items that Dave ordered, employees first asked him to wait for the missing items, then asked him to pay for the missing items, then (after a half hour had passed) offered to substitute another entree for the missing items that he had already paid for. Dave wanted either a refund, or the food that he actually ordered and paid for. [More]

Panda Express Avoids Food Giveaway Pandemonium, Serves Up Teeny Portions
Matt tells Consumerist that Panda Express may have found a way to avoid a coupon debacle similar to KFC’s grilled chicken giveaway last year. Their brilliant plan: dish up tiny portions, then charge comically high prices for meal add-ons. Like a $4 egg roll. [More]
“The health department does not consider a person’s shoe or boot a proper instrument to use in food preparation…” [AP]