Reader Richard writes to tell us that he found the “never frozen” label hilarious…

Teenager Discovers Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria In Chicken
A 17-year-old student in New Zealand has discovered antibiotic resistant bacteria that could be difficult to treat in humans… in a bunch of grocery store chickens.

Russia Bans Import Of U.S. Chicken, Pork
Russia has banned the import of chicken and pork from 30 U.S. facilities in the wake of a midsummer audit. Russia has not disclosed what, if anything, the audits uncovered, according to a concerned spokesman from the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council.
All of the banned poultry plants were major suppliers of U.S. poultry to Russia and are some of the most efficient facilities in the country, the export council said.

This Walmart Fried Chicken Could Use A Few More Feathers
Reader Sean is the most recent reader to purchase food at a major “big box” store, find it unacceptable, and send us a picture.

Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable: Next Stop, You!
Poison toothpaste, killer cough-syrup, and tainted pet food are the tip of the disgusting iceberg of yuck heading our way from China. Over the past four months, the FDA has rejected 298 shipments from China that included “filthy” fruits, cancer-causing shrimp, and “poisonous” swordfish.

Are You Paying $60 A Year For Water Pumped Into Chicken?
Awhile back we posted some videos that show how butchers get away with vacuum pumping water into meat to make it weigh more. Some of them try to be “honest” about it by throwing a little soy sauce in there and calling it marinade. Whatever. We don’t pay by the pound for our marinade and neither should you.

FDA/USDA Says Melamine-Fed Pigs And Chickens OK To Eat
The FDA and USDA today jointly announced that swine and poultry fatted on feed containing wheat gluten laced with melamine pose a “very low risk” if you eat them.

USDA Denies Seal Of Inspection To 20 Million Chickens Fed Tainted Pet Food
Pet food tainted with melamine may have been consumed by up to 20 million chickens destined for your dinner plate. The federal government is not taking the matter lightly. The USDA, FDA, and EPA are conducting a risk assessment to determine if the chicken is safe for human consumption. Until the assessment is complete, the USDA will not issue the poultry a seal of inspection, which is required for the meat to be sold commercially. The results of the assessment should be announced early next week.
The Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said Thursday that no evidence indicated any harm to humans from chicken or pork that had entered the market after having eaten melamine-contaminated feed.

Wendy's 4 Alarm Spicy Chicken Sandwich Advertisement Vs Reality
Reader and Flickr Pool Member Tengaport writes in with an age old question. Should the sandwich look like the picture?:
Eat At KFC. Get A Free Crispy Strip. Mock Wendy's Failures.
For one time only, at participating restaurants, KFC is offering America a free sample of the restaurant chain’s signature Colonel’s Crispy Strips(R).

Dirty Birds: Chicken is Full of Bacteria
A particularly disgusting survey by Consumer Reports claims that their “analysis of fresh, whole broilers bought nationwide revealed that 83 percent harbored campylobacter or salmonella, the leading bacterial causes of foodborne disease.” Ew! Cheaper birds weren’t more likely to have bacteria, “Overall, chickens labeled as organic or raised without antibiotics and costing $3 to $5 per pound were more likely to harbor salmonella than were conventionally produced broilers that cost more like $1 per pound.” Birds also harbored antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. “Twenty percent of campylobacter samples were resistant to ciprofloxacin (Cipro)” So that’s awesome news.
HOWTO: Cook a Turducken
A turducken, in case you don’t know, is a turkey stuffed with a duck, stuffed with a chicken. We know. Fantastic idea. Anyway, turducken is the stuff of legends, so we thought we’d try to help the dream become reality with a few links to some turducken HOWTO action. Thanksgiving isn’t until tomorrow! There’s still time for turducken! —MEGHANN MARCO
Choke So-Called Doctors, Not Chicken
The suspicious ties between PCRM and PETA notwithstanding, the entire basis for their lawsuit against fast food companies rests on quicksand. They claim tests revealed PHIP, a possibly carcinogenic compound, to be found in the chicken at major fast food chains.

Cancer Chicken, Scam?
Last Thursday, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) sued several large fast food companies, contending the chicken they choked was chock full of dangerous carcinogens.

Fast Foods Sued For Cancer Chicken
Forget your limp-wristed attempts to make “healthy choices” at McDonalds. Now, even the grilled chicken will kill ya, or so claim a buncha guys with stethoscopes, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, in a suit filed Thursday.