We got a flier in our recent USAA bill announcing they’re now letting customers deposit checks from home. Just sign and scan your checks and send it in through the USAA website. As far as we know, USAA is the only bank to offer this service to consumers.

Bank Of America To Charge For “Free” Checking
Bank of America will start charging “Free Checking” customers starting 2/1/07. The bank will switch change the accounts to “MyAccess” checking, with a fee of $5.95/month.
Poll: Do You Write Checks?
And I’m wondering what percentage of people with checking accounts actually carry or write checks anymore (I myself have gotten to the point where I pay all my bills online and use cash or plastic in stores).

New Job, New State, Same Bank, Which Routing Number?
You move to a new state, get a new job, and thanks to banks gobbling each other up like candy, you don’t have to open a new bank account. But be careful when setting up your direct deposit.

Protect Yourself Online With A Firewall Bank Account
It’s one thing to protect your identity, weed out phish emails and shop safely, but if you *really* want to prevent a thief from stealing your account online…

Intro To Finding A Good Bank
If you’re thinking of opening a new bank account and you don’t want to get screwed over on fees and service like last time, here are some important questions to ask the bank before signing up.

Tiny Checks, Big Scam
Banks are sharing their member lists — and account information — with unscrupulous third party marketers like the Trilegiant corporation.
Bank of America Will Get Your C-Note Back
Eagle-eyed reader Bruce points out that while Bank of America may be giving out 100 bucks…with the fees they charge they’ll be getting it back from you soon enough.

Scammed Youth Cry For Consumerist’s Aid
They really don’t teach kids these days anything about finance. Actually, they never did, as our credit history attests. In this vein, Dustin sends us a frantic plea for help.

What’s The Rates?
Many banks have updated their interest rates recently. Where’s the hotspots to parkk your checking and savings?

Hedge Fund Notes Disconnect Between Bank Strategy and Execution. Duh.
Second Curve Capital is a hedge fund, managing hogsheads of cash in long-term investments on the stocks of banks and financial services. Most of the year is spent over ponderous goblets of brandies, smoking fine cigars at financiers’ gentlemen’s clubs, absorbing the exuberance and doldrums of bank CEOs and presidents.

$100 For A New Bank of America Account
If you’re willing to jump through a few minor hoops and wait a while, BofA gives you a Benjamin for opening a new account.

WaMu Helped Give Grandma s Money to Crooks
s grandma was defrauded by crooks who exploited a weakness in the WaMu merchant check verification system. Essentially, in order to cash a charge on your account, all a vendor (or in this case, scammer) has to do is get you to record you saying your account number.