
JPMorgan Chase Suspends 56,000 Foreclosures

JPMorgan Chase Suspends 56,000 Foreclosures

JPMorgan became the second major lender after GMAC/Ally Bank to halt pending foreclosures, halting proceedings on 56,000 homes. This follows revelations that “robo-signer” “foreclosure mills” were filing paperwork that would be gracious to call “sloppy,” at the rate of 10,000 a day. [More]

Bank Reverses Erroneous Foreclosure On Family With Very Sick Child

Bank Reverses Erroneous Foreclosure On Family With Very Sick Child

After the Washington Post reported on their plight, a family with a gravely ill child that got foreclosed on a day after they were told their loan modification was approved, the bank investigated and found that they had screwed things up. [More]

Chase Forecloses On Family With Son Crippled By Rare Genetic Disorder

Chase Forecloses On Family With Son Crippled By Rare Genetic Disorder

A family whose son has debilitating cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy got foreclosed on by Chase, just days after they were told their loan modification was approved. [More]

Chase Approves Transaction Anyway After Customer Declines Overdraft Protection

Chase Approves Transaction Anyway After Customer Declines Overdraft Protection

Paul opted not to sign up for Chase’s overdraft fee trap–oh wait, they call it “protection”–but Chase happily ignored this fact and approved a transaction anyway, which led to a $34 overdraft fee that they refuse to reverse. The loophole they’re using to get around Paul’s opt-out is that the vendor was someone he’d authorized in the past, and therefore this new transaction isn’t protected from the bank’s “protection” fee. [More]

Chase Tries To Pass Fake Money Back To Customer

Chase Tries To Pass Fake Money Back To Customer

A guy withdrew some hundreds from his credit union to pay his roommate his portion of the rent. The roommate deposited them at Chase, which later discovered that one of the hundreds was actually a $5 altered to look like a $100. [More]

NY Lottery Goes After Chase MasterCard Over 'Illegal' Fees

NY Lottery Goes After Chase MasterCard Over 'Illegal' Fees

A couple weeks back, we brought you the story of a reader who found out that Chase now considers playing the lottery as internet gambling — but only after they nailed him with exorbitant fees and sky-high interest. Now, the New York Lottery has turned the tables on Chase MasterCard, alleging that these extra charges are illegal. [More]

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Lori called up Chase to tell them that she was traveling internationally in the next few weeks. She wanted them to note her account so there wouldn’t be any blocks when charges from far-away countries started appearing. Then the fast-talking rep just sort of added overdraft protection to Lori’s account, just casually worked it in there, like she was doing her a courtesy. [More]

Chase Bank Is Back Online

Chase Bank Is Back Online

After more than 24 hours of complete uselessness, Chase’s website came back to life late Tuesday night. [More]

Chase Bank's Website Crashes, Is Being Bailed Out By Tech Support

Chase Bank's Website Crashes, Is Being Bailed Out By Tech Support

UPDATE: has finally come back from the dead. [More]

Chase Declares New York State Lottery 'Illegal Internet Gambling'

Chase Declares New York State Lottery 'Illegal Internet Gambling'

Not everyone is fond of state lotteries, but you know what they’re not? Illegal. Still, Tim shared his experience with the New York State Lottery and his credit card company, Chase, where the bank chose to treat his lottery subscription payment as a cash advance, with the $10 fee and astronomical interest rate that goes along with it. [More]

Contacting Chase Executive Customer Service Saves Reader $240/Year In Fees

Contacting Chase Executive Customer Service Saves Reader $240/Year In Fees

How can executive customer service help you? JP Morgan Chase gobbled up Jon’s bank, Washington Mutual, and his high-yield savings account along with it. He writes that when the bank eventually changed his account over to a different type, one that came with a $20/month fee for customers who didn’t keep a $15,000 balance. Instead of rolling over and paying $240 in extra fees or taking his money to another bank, Jon tried something different: he reached out to executive customer service. [More]

At Chase, Depositing A $4,000 Check In An ATM Is "Unusual Activity"

At Chase, Depositing A $4,000 Check In An ATM Is "Unusual Activity"

Carol tells Consumerist that while in a financial pinch, she took out a title loan for $4,000, depositing it in her Chase bank account using an ATM. Instead of helping the situation, the deposit made her financial mess worse. Chase froze her out of her accounts and made her order a new debit card, but no one at her local branch or in the corporate “Risk Control” department has the power to tell her what the problem is. Her account remained locked after the check cleared. Bank staff also took the opportunity to attempt to sell her student loans and overdraft protection. Not a good time, Chase. [More]

Chase Foreclosing On 90-Year-Old Even Though Son Is Willing To Pay

Chase Foreclosing On 90-Year-Old Even Though Son Is Willing To Pay

Chase is proceeding full steam ahead with foreclosing on a 90-year-old woman’s condo even though her son has offered to pay it off. Rather than get the full amount of the mortgage paid in full, they prefer to incur the expenses of a foreclosure and sell it at a loss. [More]

Chase Scare-Calling Customers To ReUp For Overdraft

Chase Scare-Calling Customers To ReUp For Overdraft "Protection"

Jen said Chase left a message on her phone asking her to call back. Thinking it was about fraud, she did three times, and when she finally reached the person who called her, she got a creepy and misleading pitch for overdraft protection. They wanted her to come into her local branch and “go over her overdraft protection choices.” Who has time for this crap? [More]

Chase Banker: I Hate That We're Required To Pull People Out Of Line To Offer Upsells

Chase Banker: I Hate That We're Required To Pull People Out Of Line To Offer Upsells

Chase now requires bankers to drag customers waiting for a teller out of line so they can upsell other bank products. One longtime banker wrote in to apologize for the practice, which “blatantly exploits a customer’s trust,” and to encourage customers to call Chase and tell them that they hate it, too. Read the banker’s full heartfelt note, after the jump. [More]

Please Make Dead Friend's Creditors Stop Calling My Mom

Please Make Dead Friend's Creditors Stop Calling My Mom

Kevin’s mom is the executor of a family friend’s estate. Chase, the company that holds this family friend’s mortgage somehow got hold of her phone number, and is now calling her incessantly, looking for…. the dead person? Chase reps claim that they’re not allowed to speak with the executor of the estate, yet they keep calling back despite pleas to leave her alone. [More]

Seattle Bar Owner Will Buy You A Steak Dinner If You Quit Chase

Seattle Bar Owner Will Buy You A Steak Dinner If You Quit Chase

Don’t like Chase? You’re not alone. If you haven’t already dropped the bank but are willing to let them go, you might be on your way to a free steak dinner. [More]

Chase Now Has Human ATM Greeter Who Helpfully Sells Overdraft Protection

Chase Now Has Human ATM Greeter Who Helpfully Sells Overdraft Protection

As the August 15th deadline for bank customers to opt in to overdraft protection on their existing accounts looms, banks are trying some innovative new tactics. Nicole tells Consumerist that she visited an ATM Chase branch on a Saturday morning to withdraw some cash, and encountered an employee stationed near the ATMs, asking customers whether they had “made a decision” about their “debit card overdraft coverage.” [More]