
PayPal Error Stymies One Laptop Per Child Shipments

PayPal Error Stymies One Laptop Per Child Shipments

Tired of repeatedly hearing that his One Laptop Per Child was on the way, PC World’s Harry McCracken called OLPC and was surprised to discover that the charity didn’t have his mailing address on file. Apparently, PayPal passed McCracken’s payment to OLPC without providing his address.

NFL Is Personally Offended By KFC's "Ambush Marketing"

NFL Is Personally Offended By KFC's "Ambush Marketing"

“We’re not going to play the role of Simon Cowell and critique dances,” McCarthy said. “But if a player acted in a way that was a reflection of a corporate message, then we’d have to take a look at it.”

Now, now, Mr. McCarthy. Don’t try to “draft off the excitement” of American Idol. We’re on to you.

Get 100 Gallons Of Heating Oil For Free

Get 100 Gallons Of Heating Oil For Free

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wants to give you 100 gallons of free heating oil to help survive the cold cruel capitalist winter. The hogshead of liquid warmth is available to anyone enduring a financial hardship who fills out a handy online form.

Last Chance To Donate Money In 2007

Last Chance To Donate Money In 2007

Today represents your final opportunity to donate money to charity for tax year 2007! CharityNavigator has some tips for holiday giving, and of course, you’ll want to brush up on the tax implications of your generosity.

Brothers Hand Out $100 Bills At Mall On Christmas Eve

Brothers Hand Out $100 Bills At Mall On Christmas Eve

Shoppers who went to the mall at Massapequa, Long Island on Christmas Eve were surprised by two middle-aged guys who were randomly handing out cash to passers-by. Mall security called the police on them (sigh), but ultimately the guys were left alone to distribute their money to people as they entered the mall.

Recalls Are A Headache For Toy Drive Organizers

Recalls Are A Headache For Toy Drive Organizers

Toy drive organizers are recruiting extra volunteers to help them “throw away” recalled toys, says USAToday.


The “Give One, Get One” laptop sale from One Laptop Per Child has been extended through the end of December. OLPC says it’s pulling in about $2 million per day in “donations.” [Gizmodo]

5 Ways To Help Your Local Food Bank

5 Ways To Help Your Local Food Bank

Agonist has put together 5 ways that you can help your local food bank this Thanksgiving as they struggle against more demand and higher prices in their mission to make sure that everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.

Food Bank Shortages In NYC

Food Bank Shortages In NYC

The New York Times is reporting barren food banks in NYC this Thanksgiving season, so if you were planning on donating some food to the hungry, now would be a good time to do it. Don’t live in NYC? There are hungry people everywhere.

One Laptop Per Child Has Good Customer Service

One Laptop Per Child Has Good Customer Service

We opened the following email with trepidation, thinking it might be a horrible customer service story about a charity.

How To Get A Great Discount On A Year Of T-Mobile HotSpot Access

How To Get A Great Discount On A Year Of T-Mobile HotSpot Access

We’ve been covering One Laptop Per Child’s “Buy One Get One” deal because it’s a cheap way to get a very unique, kid-friendly laptop, and because at the end of the year a lot of people are looking for places to burn off some extra tax-deductible donations. But now that OLPC is rolling in one year of free T-Mobile access, the deal just turned into a true bargainif you meet a couple of conditions.


The One Laptop Per Child’s “Give One Get One” 2-week sale starts today. $400 buys you a cutting edge (if oddly cheap-looking) laptop and pays for another one to be given to a poor kid elsewhere in the world. [OLPC]

OLPC Production Delay Means Shortage Of $188 Laptops This Holiday Season

OLPC Production Delay Means Shortage Of $188 Laptops This Holiday Season

If you’re planning on taking part in the One Laptop Per Child “Buy 1 Give 1” sale next month, be warned that there have been delays in starting production. Although everything is now up and running, the foundation is predicting a shortage of laptops and said that although some U.S. and Canadian customers may see their personal laptops arrive before the end of 2007, orders would be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Do Your Thrift Store Shopping Online At

Do Your Thrift Store Shopping Online At

Ebay isn’t the only shopping site revamping its look: Goodwill’s online shopping website, which has been around since 1999, is about to launch a redesigned site that’s cleaner and easier to navigate. Because the only sellers on the site are member organizations of Goodwill Industries International, the selection may not be as big as eBay, but the fraud is minimal as well—and the member pool is large enough to have “posted more than 17,000 items from inventory that includes antiques, collectibles, clothing, electronics, books and musical instruments, which are arranged according to category. “

OLPC Announces "Give One Get One" Laptop Sale

OLPC Announces "Give One Get One" Laptop Sale

Early adopters, geeks, technology bargain hunters and idealists rejoice: One Laptop Per Child is opening its high tech stash to private consumers, at least temporarily, in an effort to help get their project off the ground now that production has begun. For two weeks beginning November 12th, you can purchase one of their green and white, portable, solar powered, open source laptops with the super-bright screen, for yourself for a tax-deductible $399, and a second laptop will be given to a needy kid somewhere else.

Did Elizabeth Arden/Britney Spears Steal A Fundraiser's Logo?

Did Elizabeth Arden/Britney Spears Steal A Fundraiser's Logo?

Hey lazy graphic designers everywhere, when you need a logo you can just steal one from a charity fund-raising site.

Now In Churches: ATMs!

Now In Churches: ATMs!

Churches are stocking up on ATMs thanks to a new IRS rule that requires taxpayers to closely document their charitable giving. By placing an ATM in the lobby, congregants can collect a paper trail, and churches can collect tithings. It’s win-win. According to Time, the practice isn’t new:

Large urban churches have been accepting credit cards for several years, tapping into the Generation P (for Plastic) aversion to carrying cash. Pastors like to tell jokes about parishioners collecting Frequent Flier points on the way to heaven. A recent Dallas Morning News poll found that 55% of 200 local churches accept credit and/or debit cards.

Has Procter & Gamble Hijacked Amex's $5 Million Members Project?

Has Procter & Gamble Hijacked Amex's $5 Million Members Project?

Accusations are flying that Proctor and Gamble has hijacked Amex’s “Member’s Project,” in an attempt to sell water purifying technology. The project is a contest in which Amex will fund one charitable project (proposed by its members) to the tune of $5 million dollars.