
Donate Your Frequent Flier Miles To Charity

Donate Your Frequent Flier Miles To Charity

Why bother with frequent flier miles when you can donate them to charity? The donations are tax-deductible, making them an attractive alternative to the Sisyphean challenge of ferreting out an eligible seat.

Many non-profit organizations have frequent flier mileage donation packages, and several major air carriers have developed charitable programs using earned miles. Some are exclusive partnerships geared to one or two specific charities, while others have multiple organizations with quarterly or monthly rotations, allowing all the participating charities equal time to receive miles.

Peter Greenberg lists several charities that accept miles as donations, from the Make-A-Wish Foundation, to Save The Dogs, an Italian non-profit committed to rescuing stray dogs in Romania. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Why Do We Donate To Charity? Because It Feels Good!

Why Do We Donate To Charity? Because It Feels Good!

Even poor people donate money to charity. Why? According to a new study by University of Oregon economics professor William Harbaugh and psychology professor Ulrich Mayr, they do it because it feels good.

Anybody Wanna Buy An Enron CEO's Desk?

Anybody Wanna Buy An Enron CEO's Desk?

Lay and Skilling, who also served as CEO, were convicted in May 2006 for their role in the accounting fraud that led to the collapse of Enron in 2001. The bankruptcy erased billions in investors’ money and wiped out the pensions of thousands of Enron employees.

Point/Counterpoint: (RED) Raises $100 Million, Spends 82% On Advertising

Point/Counterpoint: (RED) Raises $100 Million, Spends 82% On Advertising

(RED), the global co-branding experiment that directs a percentage of (RED) product revenues towards fighting AIDS in Africa, has only directed $18 million out of $100 million spent. AdAge reports that this is raising eyebrows other than our own.

The disproportionate ratio between the marketing outlay and the money raised is drawing concern among nonprofit watchdogs, cause-marketing experts and even executives in the ad business. It threatens to spur a backlash, not just against the Red campaign — which ambitiously set out to change the cause-marketing model by allowing partners to profit from charity — but also for the brands involved.

Charities are usually judged on the percent of contributions spent on programs, rather than administration. (RED) is not a charity. In a letter to AdAge’s editor, (RED)’s CEO Bobby Shriver explains why this makes all the difference.

Because (RED) is explicitly NOT a charity, we encourage our partners to go about their business including their marketing. This sells the products; the products generate the $25 million. In addition, this marketing would have been spent anyway, on other product lines. It never would have been (nor will it ever be) given to the Global Fund.

We tell you who’s right, after the jump.

PayPal Says Deadspin Fund Is “Open”

PayPal Says Deadspin Fund Is “Open”

    Ben and Meghann-

HOW TO: Donate to Charity

It’s the end of the year, so we thought we’d offer some tips on charitable giving. There are only a few days left to donate items before the end of the year. Giving to charity is about more than just saving on your taxes, it’s also about helping a cause that’s important to you. You could save a panda, or cure a disease, or help someone who is hungry. Giving to charity is a way for you to decide where your money goes.

The Restaurant That Lets You Pay What You Want

The Restaurant That Lets You Pay What You Want

Time magazine is profiling a couple restaurants run by hippies (shhh, we kid, we kid) that let you pay whatever you think the meal is worth. We know we could never go to these restaurants because we would feel extreme guilt and overpay for our food. Actually, that’s sort of the idea.

Target: Internet Bell Ringing Only, Please

According to the Chicago Sun-Times:

“Target Corp.’s policy of prohibiting Salvation Army bell ringers on its property will remain in force this Christmas season, but the Minneapolis-based retailer said Tuesday it will donate $1 million to launch an online version of the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program.

Hollywood Video Dodges Taxes On Your DVD Dime

Hollywood Video Dodges Taxes On Your DVD Dime

Despite what Hollywood Video would like you to believe, there’s very few CDs or DVDs that can’t actually be repaired to good as new. A good rule of thumb is that if you can hold a DVD up to the light and you can’t see light actually coming through the scratches and gouges, that DVD can be fixed.

The $3.65 Million Satanic Phone Number

The $3.65 Million Satanic Phone Number

I have a great phone number, one of those numbers that’s so easy to remember that everyone thinks it is fake. I’ll give it to girls at clubs; their faces go blood red with rage and they scream, “If you didn’t want to give me your number, just say so!” right before tossing their drink in my face. Everyone’s envious — my mobile carrier always compliments me on it whenever I talk to them.

Accountant Embezzles Charity To Pay For Dominatrix

Accountant Embezzles Charity To Pay For Dominatrix

Where’s the money you gave to that Heart Disease charity out of the goodness of your heart going, anyway? The local neighborhood dominatrix, of course.