A month after Univision first pulled its programming from Charter-Spectrum as the result of a contract dispute, the two sides have agreed to kiss and make up — for the time being, anyway — to prevent any further channel blackouts. [More]

NASA TV Will Soon Bring Outer Space To Your Living Room In Ultra-HD 4K
Who needs to sit outside and gaze at the stars when you can get a more detailed view of space happenings from your television or smartphone? If you’re looking for a different kind of space-escape than simply staring at the stars and old video footage, then NASA’s new channel might be for you – that is if you have the right TV. [More]

Sirius XM Merger Reveals True Face: Fewer Channels And 'Sanitized' Programming
This week, Sirius XM began consolidating its channels. In reality, this mostly meant jettisoning XM channels wherever there was a tenuous overlap with something Sirius already offered, which is bad news for anyone with a favorite station on XM who woke up Wednesday morning to find it missing. Alex wrote in to tell us that the four Spanish music channels have been condensed to one without regard to genre, and that the uncensored “urban music” station Hot Jamz has been cleaned up, rechristened “The Heat,” and now leans toward radio-friendly R&B. The Motley Fool suggests that the new lineup may drive people to downgrade their subscription—it’s “an incentive to downgrade to the cheaper plan that costs $6 less a month and lets users cherry-pick 50 stations.”

Comcast Says Chicago Will Have TBS HD For Tonight's Cubs Game
I am having trouble getting the Cubs on Comcast. I have been working with Comcast for two-plus weeks on this and it is still not working. The first game is tonight at 9PM to beyond midnight. I have a Tivo Box that uses the “Cable Card” approved by Comcast. It is on Channel 47(TBS) but that station is not working due to “Content Security” problems. I am stuck, as Comcast is the only provider due to Cable company regulations.

Leaks: "Time Warner Cable Vs NFL Network" Customer Retention Document
Time Warner Cable is, like Comcast, currently warring with the NFL network over who should pay for the network. Time Warner, like Comcast, says the NFL channel should be placed on a pay tier so that only the fans who want to watch the games will have to pay the $100 million dollars its going to cost Time Warner to carry the channel.

NFL Network Continues To Cause Drama, Pain, Anger
Cable consumers hate the NFL network. Not because its bad, but because the cable companies and the NFL are warring over it and passing the pain on to consumers.

Comcast Drops "West Coast" Feeds On The East Coast?
Reader Steve says Comcast has dropped the west coast feeds on his premium channels without telling him about it. Now his sadness can not be quantified.