
Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Razrs Pulled For Connectivity Glitches. No Blood Spilt. Sorry.

Everyone’s all about the Razr’s “cutting edge” HAR HAR HAR super-thin construction but it looks like they might’ve left something out in the design, as glitches are causing phonecalls to drop.

AT&T and Cingular Down?

AT&T and Cingular Down?

Fewer bars in fewer places. According to unconfirmed reports out of New York City, AT&T/Cingular wireless service has been down for 2-3 hours, as of 12:50 PM EST.

Sprint Phone Saga: Activation

Sprint Phone Saga: Activation

We called to activate our new Sprint phone.

Dropkick the Cellphone Contract

Dropkick the Cellphone Contract

There’s a “Roaming Hack” article which posits a way to get out of your cell phone contract without paying a termination fee. Basically, make it unprofitable for the cell phone company to keep you as a customer. To do this, use up hundreds of minutes in a roaming area. Many carriers cover roaming costs and so they will end up losing big chunks of money over time under this system, the blog alleges.

Free Sprint Ambassador Phone is Here So We Put Down the Knife

Free Sprint Ambassador Phone is Here So We Put Down the Knife

We were going to pieces but our whore money/payola/free Sprint phone finally arrived.

Stop Buying Ringtones

Nifty lil HOWTO on putting ringtones on your cellphone without paying $5 or getting snookered into a monthly cellphone download club.

Skype Pinches the Pipeline

Skype Pinches the Pipeline

Skype is very slow right now. We’re trying to buy some credit to make phone calls. Perhaps the system is overtaxed as Skype 2.0 with video chat just came out. The ‘Loading…’ wheel keeps spinning ’round n’ round…until the pictured error message appears.

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

Samsung T-809 Gets Skanky All Up Inside Its Camera Crack

s mud in your eye: Victor got Samsung T-809 camera phone and loves it, except for the gap underneath the camera that allows dust to easily get into and underneath the LCD screen.

Round 3: Sprint vs. Verizon

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Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Fake BoingBoing interviews and declarations of Proof Found! complete with video followed, carefully throttled out by, as the adbloggers quickly gleaned, ad agency McKinney Silver in a viral marketing effort for an undisclosed client.

Consumers Speak (Update: Again): Sprint Cancels Previously Happy Customer

Consumers Speak (Update: Again): Sprint Cancels Previously Happy Customer

Update: Good lord, it’s our first dupe. We’re going to leave it up here for posterity’s sake, but our apologies. Got our email inboxes crossed.

Denton’s World News Round Up

Airline Pensions Under Government Review [Consumer Affairs]

T-Mobile Hikes SMS Price, Calls Old Price ‘Discounted’

T-Mobile Hikes SMS Price, Calls Old Price ‘Discounted’

Sam C. writes in with this heads-up for T-Mobile subscribers, especially those that use a lot of SMS:

Here’s a bit of marketing-speak for you.

Consumers Speak: Paying Twice for One Phone Number

Fun with number portability! You read Robert N’s and offer any advice, if you can. Our take? Sounds like he needs to escalate the issue with Earthlink. We don’t see how they can refuse to turn off his service if we requests it.

I have a story I would like to share regarding local number portability, and would like to solicit advice regarding an apparent black-hole for customer service:

Sprint Asks for $25 to Help Parents Track Lost Child

Make no mistake: We think that Sprint refusing to help freaked out parents locate their carjacked baby is awful. Whether Sprint’s policy states that customers need to pay a $25 fee to subpoena the information or not, an exception should probably have been made. (Sprint has stated that emergency procedure was not followed.)

Using a Credit Card to Fight Sprint

We have an unfortunate/fortunate lack of credit cards, so we are not able to take advantage of the protection services afford customers from credit card providers. Ramit “I Will Teach You to Be Rich” Sethi had been struggling with Sprint for quite some time, and despite reaching a supposed resolution, he was still charged a fee for his early cancellation—despite the fact he did not have a contract.

For That Ads: Kate Moss Back for Virgin Mobile

For That Ads: Kate Moss Back for Virgin Mobile

Lady Kate ‘Coco’ Moss is back on the spokesmodel tip, with this new spot for Virgin Mobile.

Woman Gets $12k Cellphone Bill Waived, Forces Company President to Tea

“It’s completely ridiculous,” she said. “I’m glad that we got somewhere with this fight, but it shouldn’t take a law professor and a technology journalist to make them behave like decent corporate citizens.”

She’s also forced Tim Rogers to come to tea, which is a lovely bit of humanizing shame. (Thanks, Greg!)