
Nu Txt Msg Scm

Nu Txt Msg Scm

We received two complaints today from Elizabeth and Melba who received a a new text message spam/scam.

HOWTO: Extract Spam Calls From Your Cellphone

HOWTO: Extract Spam Calls From Your Cellphone

Say someone’s leaving unsolicited marketing messages on your cellphone and you want to save them to your computer so you can share them on the internet. How do you do it?

Sprint Launches Cellphone Tracking Service

Sprint Launches Cellphone Tracking Service

Stalkers and overzealous parents, rejoice! Sprint has a new service “Family Locator Service” that allows you to track on an online map where a registered cellphone travels.

What The Elderly Want in a Cell Phone

What The Elderly Want in a Cell Phone

Any cellphone product development people in the audience? We’ve just done your job for you, invented a cell phone for the elderly.

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

It’s time for The Consumerist to play matchmaker.

Nextel Wins as Cellphone Company With Fastest Telephone Customer Service

Nextel Wins as Cellphone Company With Fastest Telephone Customer Service

Here’s the results of our week-long look into how long it takes humans at various cellphone companies to pick up the phone. Sprint was dead last and an old-school Nextel support line, first. Verizon and T-Mobile trailed not far behind.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Only two more days to go in this week’s look at how long it takes a human at various mobile phone companies to pick up.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Today’s results in our week long trial to see how long it takes mobile phone carrier’s humans to pick up on the customer service line.

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

All the mobile phone carriers performed very well today.

How Long to Get a Human?

How Long to Get a Human?

Here’s how long it’s taking to reach a human at various mobile phone carrier customer service lines today.

CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer

CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer

This sounds awesome for the next time someone is yakking on the cellphone in the movie theater. Simply deploy your CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer and silence all cellphones, pagers, and Wi-Fi with a quarter mile radius.

Sprint’s Race to Be Last in Customer Service

Sprint’s Race to Be Last in Customer Service

The utter pathetic ineptitude of Sprint’s customer service is legion. But Steve’s letter really butters the biscuit for its pristine irony and Mobius strip double-non-think.

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

…a David [and] Goliath story…

PayPal Via Cellphone

PayPal Via Cellphone

Paypal has transformed your mobile phone into a magic money wand.

HOWTO: Buy a New Cellphone

HOWTO: Buy a New Cellphone

Here’s our tricked-out version of a Dealhack guide to buying a new cell phone.

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Here in America, we’re in the digital stone age, at least as far as how widespread the adoption of some cool new technologies are. There’s not universal broadband (which the US Government paid the telcos to implement; instead they built up more DSL because there’s more money to be made on it), wi-fi coverage is intermittent and text message use is a lot less pervasive than in most European countries. In Italy they have tons of teenagers showing up in hospitals with repetive stress injuries directly resulting from punching out reams of text messages.

Cingular Razrs Back on Shelves

Cingular Razrs Back on Shelves

As you may recall, both T-Mobile and Cingular yanked the Motorola RAZR from the shelves due to a glitch that caused phonecalls to be dropped. Cingular has started selling them again and T-Mobile should start shortly this week.

Sprint Ambassador Phone Considers Itself a Dirty Word

Sprint Ambassador Phone Considers Itself a Dirty Word

Well, we like our Sprint Ambassador corporate whore phone. It works great, we haven’t had any problems and it’s totally free. And it sits in our pocket or on our desk like a cute little rock you’d find black and polished on a lake shore. Of course, we never tried to set it up as a modem, like Alan did.