
Verizon Still Can’t Count

Peter goes through several employees who can’t understand the hundredfold difference between dollars and cents. He escalates to and wrangles with a supervisor. At the end, Peter asks for his charge to be refunded.

Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

UPDATE: Verizon Still Can’t Count

Transcript: Verizon Doesn’t Know How To Count

UPDATE: Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

Verizon Doesn’t Know Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Verizon doesn’t know the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars.

T-Mobile Is A Bitch?

Reader Miss_smartypants bought a new PEBL cellphone from T-mobile, free after $50 rebate. After she sent in the rebate forms, she saw a notice on T-mobile’s site for the phone free, straight up, with no rebate business. She called to request a pricematch so she wouldn’t have to wait for the rebate.

Unlock Your Cellphone Now

Unlock Your Cellphone Now

The US Copyright office killed cellphone crippleware companies locking your phone to their sepecific service last week. We heard about this but didn’t post anything, as we didn’t see anything actually compelling cellphone companies to let you enjoy the full use of your phone. full phone portability.

Verizon Reveals New, Still Sucky, Early Termination Fee

The gory details on Verizon’s plans to prorate early termination fees emerged Friday.

Can I Get This Cheaper Online? Call Frucall

Can I Get This Cheaper Online? Call Frucall

Have you ever seen something in a store and fretted over impulse-buying, wondering whether you could get it cheaper online? A new service, Frucall, aims to answer that question for you.

Freaky Thursday: Comcast & TWC To Sell Cellphones, Verizon To Sell Cable TV

Freaky Thursday: Comcast & TWC To Sell Cellphones, Verizon To Sell Cable TV

The crumpet dropped from our gnashing maw when we spied these portents.

T-Mobile Sued Over Early Termination Fees

Someone give this guy a medal, not just of the chocolate kind. — BEN POPKEN

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

Negotiate Your Next Cellphone Contract Like A Diva

If your cellphone contract is ending, you can haggle the next one into a much better deal. Here’s how:

BREAKING: Cingular Shuts Off TDMA Service

Starting today, Cingular is shutting off TDMA cellphone service in Toledo.

Why Do Cellphone Companies Pay So Much To Get Me, But Not To Keep Me?

Why Do Cellphone Companies Pay So Much To Get Me, But Not To Keep Me?

Cellphone Water Damage Is A Design Flaw

Cellphone Water Damage Is A Design Flaw

In Case Of Nuclear Strike, Your Cellphone Insurance Is Void

In Case Of Nuclear Strike, Your Cellphone Insurance Is Void

Your cellphone is not insured against loss in a nuclear crisis or a warzone.

UPDATED: Got Cellphone Spam? WSJ Wants To Talk

Have you ever received spam on your cellphone? The Wall Street Journal is looking to round out an article on the phenomenon.

Sprint Reps Continue Lying To Avoid Letting You Cancel

Sprint’s retention process has gotten almost as bad as AOL’s.

E in “Verizon” Found Upside Down

E in “Verizon” Found Upside Down

Verizon is so busy never stopping working for you they forgot to hire a proofreader.