
Verizon Says Cellphone Ads Only For Users Who Want Them…

John called asking about the ads Verizon is poised to put ads on the internet services accessed by its cellphone users.

Verizon To Put Ads On Your Phone

From The New York Times: “Beginning early next year, Verizon Wireless will allow placement of banner advertisements on news, weather, sports and other Internet sites that users visit and display on their mobile phones, company executives said.”

Another Way To Escape Sprint For Free?

Potentially opening the door to penalty-free cellphone contract cancellations, Sprint customers received the following in their December invoice:

WABC Looking For Angry Cingular Customers

WABC Looking For Angry Cingular Customers

WABC wants to hear from NYC-area Cingular customers who are against the text-message rate price hike.

Emirates Airlines OKs Cellphones In-flight

Image redacted.

Ask The Fray: What’s The Legal Definition of ‘Subscribe?’

Ask The Fray: What’s The Legal Definition of ‘Subscribe?’

In the correction Cingular offered on our, “Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise” post, Cingular contends that text-messaging is not a service that users “subscribe” to.

Cingular Responds

Cingular sent us this email in response to “Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise.”

We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

We Interview Cingular About Cancelling Over Text Message Plans

JackLeaker: yes, I’m sure they are…

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates

This is what Cingular will probably tell you if you call up trying to get out of your cellphone contract and service without paying an early termination fee based on their recent text message rate raise.

Cingular Foils Reader’s Attempt To Break Contract

Cingular Foils Reader’s Attempt To Break Contract

Reader Corey wants to break out of his Cingular cellphone contract without fee, but is having trouble.

Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise

Break Your Cingular Contract Without Fee, Thanks 2 Txt Msg $ Raise

Gimlet-eyed Cingular customers may have noticed the cellphne provider changing its text message rates from $.10 to $.15 and realized they can use that to escape contract without early termination fee.

FCC Keeps Cellular Outage Reports Secret

Wouldn’t it be nice to definitively know which cellphone network had the fewest outages?

With Our Help, Reader Escapes Cell Plan For Free

We helped reader Michael leave his Cingular cellphone contract without early termination fee.

Cellphone Dealers Won’t Sell Nice Phones To Less Profitable Customers

Cellphone dealers will sometimes hold new and limited quantity cellphones from existing customers, preferring to sell them to more profitable new customers or contract upgrades, members of HowardForums allege.

Get A Better Cellphone Deal By Being Immigrant?

Get A Better Cellphone Deal By Being Immigrant?

A reader tip suggests you can get a better deal on a cellphone by being an immigrant.

Solve This Math Problem, Verizon

Solve This Math Problem, Verizon

Considering their ability to convert cents to dollars, Verizon should have no trouble solving this equation.

VerizonMath’s Open Letter To Verizon

George Vaccaro posted an open letter to Verizon after winning a public battle over his wireless bill, a fight that hinged on Verizon Wireless employee’s inability to tell the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars.

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Inside is the phone transcript of another user experiencing the same problem as George. Verizon told Peter he was to be charged .0015 cents per kilobyte for data usage. Instead, they charged him .0015 dollars.