
Why Executive Customer Service Is Magic

Why Executive Customer Service Is Magic

Image courtesy Uni and her Ukulele.

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Turns that the man in the polyester suit who caught on fire in his hotel, well, it wasn’t his Nokia cellphone that started the conflagration.

Poll Results: Why You Want To Cancel Your Cellphone

Poll Results: Why You Want To Cancel Your Cellphone

Yesterday, we asked why our readers wanted to get out their cellphone contract without paying early termination fee so bad.

Sprint Refuses To Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone

Sprint refuses to cancel the cellphone service of a reader’s dead brother. The most they’ll “bend” for reader M is to “put the account on vacation,” at $5.95 a month.

Why Do You Want To Cancel Your Cellphone So Bad?

We’ve run a bunch of different posts on various tactics to employ to get out of your cellphone contract without early termination fee… but why do you people want to do it with such fervor?

Reach Sony Ericsson Executive Customer Service

Want to bypass Sony Ericsson grunt level support? An anonymous SE rep reached out to us and provided the following:

Cellphone Insurance Works Even If You Smash Your Cell In Retarded Anger

Cellphone Insurance Works Even If You Smash Your Cell In Retarded Anger

We are retarded.

Cellphone Ignites In Pocket, Burning Man’s Body And Hotel Room

UPDATE: It wasn’t a cellphone after all.

iPhone’s True Cost: $1936

Here’s how much an iPhone will really cost you.

Break Your Verizon Contract Without Fee, Thanks to TXT Msg Raise

Break Your Verizon Contract Without Fee, Thanks to TXT Msg Raise

Do we sense a theme here? Verizon is raising their text message rates for those without a messaging plan. Loyal readers of this blog will know what comes next, if the rate increase constitutes a “MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT ON YOU” you can “CAN END THE AFFECTED SERVICE, WITHOUT ANY EARLY TERMINATION FEE”.

Cingular Arbitration Escape Script Addendum

Cingular Arbitration Escape Script Addendum

After attempting to use the, “Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause,” some readers reported failure, but we’ve got a possible solution.

Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause

Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause

UPDATE: We added case law to throw back at Cingular if they try to argue the change in arbitration agreement is not a material change.

Escape Your Cellphone Contract With Cellswapper

Escape Your Cellphone Contract With Cellswapper

Cellswapper is a new service launched today that lets you trade or sell your cellphone and contract, with no early termination fees.

iPhone Locked To Cingular, But “Bad Guys” Might Unlock It

iPhone Locked To Cingular, But “Bad Guys” Might Unlock It

iPhones will be sold locked to Cingular, but it’s possible “bad guys” will unlock them, says

Rumor: iPhone Without Cingular Contract? It’ll Cost Ya

Will it be possible to buy the iPhone without a Cingular contract? Cingular said no, but a tipster says yes, and it will be crazy expensive:

Angry Dropped Call Man!

Coincidentally enough, we smashed on cellphone yesterday. We were just trying to bang the desk in anger, because we couldn’t think of anything to post about and someone kept IMing us over and over with silly questions. Unfortunately the cellphone was right below our fist and now our screen is cracked. We wonder if the cellphone insurance we purchased covers rage. — BEN POPKEN

Bell Canada Executive Customer Service Contact Info

Bell Canada Executive Customer Service Contact Info

Having trouble getting your Bell Canada customer service problems resolved? Here’s the contact info for some high Bell Canada execs that will jumpstart your quest for executive customer service.

Cingular Declares Your Legal Rights Waived

Cingular Declares Your Legal Rights Waived

The latest Cingular bill includes a nice fat contract change clause declaring that by remaining a Cingular customer, you’ve waived your right to a trial by jury or participate in a class action lawsuit.