Regional cable operator Cablevision is jumping into the mobile fray in a big way this week, and they’re doing it an untraditional way. The new service is 100% based on a network of wifi hotspots: Cell phones without the cell. [More]

Join The Latest And Greatest Class Action Lawsuits
If you got some free time and want some cash and are cool with waiting a few months for it to arrive, here are some new class action lawsuits you can join. [More]

Survey Shows Public Support For Ban on Text Messaging While Driving
Following the news yesterday of calls to ban text messaging while driving, Nationwide Insurance just released a survey showing broad public support for such a ban — 8 in 10 Americans. On the down side, nearly half of drivers (49%) say a law restricting use of cell phones would not change their behavior, claiming that they don’t currently use cell phones while driving. Funny, because, according to Nationwide’s survey in 2008, “80 percent of drivers admit to talking on their cell phone while driving.” Either 30% of respondents suddently stopped using cell phones while driving, or people are in serious denial.

If You Visit Venezuela, Please Bring Us Back A Penisphone
That rascal Hugo Chavez! First he uses a photo op with President Obama to hawk his new a book, and now he’s on Venezuelan TV urging his citizens to buy a new Vergatario cellphone. For those not up on Spanish slang, that’s equivalent to buying a Dickarama here in the states.

Cell Phone Companies Are Terrified Of New Jersey
New Jersey has had enough. The New Jersey Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee has proposed several bills directed at cell phone companies, once of which is called the “Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act.” It would require “full disclosure of service levels and fees and set standards for cell phone advertisements, contracts and billing,” according to the Star-Ledger.

Tape On Your Wet Cellphone Won’t Help You At All
In response to our post on Saving A Wet Cellphone, and specifically the advice we for some reason gave about trying to trick companies to pay for dropping the blasted phone in the sink by taping over the water damage sticker, an anonymous tipster wrote:

Video Advertisements Coming to a Phone Near You
It looks like the relative ad-free environment of your cell phone is about to be populated with advertisments, reports The Times. Verizon and Sprint are said to be testing “short” video ads on their services in March.