
EPA Tweaks Official MPGs Prior To Cash4Clunkers, Shafting Some

EPA Tweaks Official MPGs Prior To Cash4Clunkers, Shafting Some

UPDATE: Cash4Clunkers Admin Responds To MPG Switcharoo, Says Nothing

Don't Let Cash For Clunkers Become Cash For Con Artists

Don't Let Cash For Clunkers Become Cash For Con Artists

The government’s Cash for Clunkers rebate program offers a way to upgrade from a gas-guzzler to a vehicle with better gas mileage on the cheap, but it also opens the door for scammers to seize some five-finger discounts.


Today, Chrysler rolled out a new incentive plan that offers rebates of up to $4,500 on most new 2009 models, targeted at drivers contemplating trading in an older model under the government’s “cash for clunkers” program. So, how do Chrysler’s “Double Cash for Your Old Car” incentives add up? Well, basically… Deals = good. Cars = Bad. [Consumer Reports]

Texas Car Dealership Will Give Away Cars If It Rains

Texas Car Dealership Will Give Away Cars If It Rains

What’s a great way for a car dealer to get attention during a drought? Offer customers a free car if it rains. No, the dealership owner won’t be standing out front in a poncho, handing out keys to everyone who passes by on the appointed day. It’s cleverer than that.


VW wants to make sweet merger love with Porsche. We wonder what a talking Porsche would sound like. [AP]

Reminder: Distracted Driving Is Bad And Dangerous

Reminder: Distracted Driving Is Bad And Dangerous

We had a robust debate on Monday on the use of cell phones and wireless devices while driving. Since then, Consumer Reports Cars has taken a look at the actual statistics for accidents caused by driver distraction, and also the cell-while-driving laws actually on the books in the United States in different localities. Spoiler alert: Texting while driving isn’t a good idea.

Don't Threaten To Kill Telemarketers

Don't Threaten To Kill Telemarketers

We know how you feel; telemarketers suck. But no matter how much they’re in the wrong, please don’t threaten to burn down their place of business and then kill them and their families—even if they call you a jackass—because they may report you to the police. Then, if your police are anything like the ones in St. Louis, Missouri, you’ll likely be arrested and charged for making terrorist threats, like poor Charles Papenfus.

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

What’s Oprah’s latest giveaway? Not, thankfully, chicken. She’ll be giving away two Routans. Hey, cool! But does the Oprah endorsement mean that the Routan is any good? Well, according to Consumer Reports Cars…not really.

Ask The Consumerists: When An "As-Is" Car Isn't What It Seems

Ask The Consumerists: When An "As-Is" Car Isn't What It Seems

Trisha in Oregon bought a great new-to-her car from a used car dealership. Unfortunately, the problem with buying a car “as-is” is that the dealer may not be up-front with you about how the car actually is.

Watch Out For These Ways Mechanics Try To Carjack You

Watch Out For These Ways Mechanics Try To Carjack You

As Hal from Malcolm in the Middle used to say, “just because someone’s smarter than you, that doesn’t make them a genius.” Thus, I can’t tell you whether car shop owners are geniuses, but I do know they have managed to pad their profits by blinding car-ignorant saps like me with science that’s way over our heads, getting us to spring for unnecessary repairs.

General Motors May Sell Cars Through eBay

General Motors May Sell Cars Through eBay

General Motors is considering a partnership with eBay to make it easier for consumers to impulse-buy new vehicles, the recently solvent car maker announced yesterday. Though the deal isn’t yet finalized, General Motors would like to sell their vehicles both through traditional auctions and with a “Buy It Now” option.

Dealership Video-Responds To Customer's Hidden Camera Expose

Dealership Video-Responds To Customer's Hidden Camera Expose

Mark Hampton has posted a video response to his dealership getting totally snagged by a customer who stashed a hidden camera in his vehicle and caught mechanics doing some dirty deeds.

Shop Owner Caught Driving Customer's Jaguar Home

Shop Owner Caught Driving Customer's Jaguar Home

Darryl Taylor received a traffic ticket in the mail for running a toll booth in his 2000 Jaguar S-series. The only problem was, the Jaguar was at a repair shop on the day of the violation.

10 Things You Should Know About Gas Stations

10 Things You Should Know About Gas Stations

MSN Money has a list of 10 secrets about gas stations that could cost you money if you don’t know about them. The best ones are about why you shouldn’t use a debit card. For example, some stations will ask banks to place a hold on some of the cash in your account to cover your purchase, and won’t report the real purchase amount for a few days, leaving your cash in limbo.

VIDEO: Toyota Employees Taped Stealing From, Watching Porn In Customer's Truck

VIDEO: Toyota Employees Taped Stealing From, Watching Porn In Customer's Truck

UPDATE: Dealership Video-Responds To Customer’s Hidden Camera Expose


General Motors is dead. Long live General Motors! The U.S. bankruptcy court has approved the sale of General Motors to the new General Motors, which is owned by the U.S. and Canadian governments, the provice of Ontario, a United Auto Workers benefits trust fund, and bondholders of the former GM. Consumer Reports Cars]

Hey, New Stockholders – What Kind Of Cars Should GM Make Now?

The U.S. and Canadian governments now own a substantial portion of General Motors. If that means that us taxpayers are the real owners. So Consumer Reports Cars wants to know: what do you think GM should make?

How To Pay As Little As Possible To Insure Your Jalopy

How To Pay As Little As Possible To Insure Your Jalopy

Despite what certain geckos would have you believe, the art of saving money on car insurance goes beyond doing whatever television commercials tell you to do.