Once upon a time, you actually had to type your résumé on real paper. If you wanted it to look special, you needed to find a letterpress shop to rework it into something special. But now we have a world of typographic options at our fingertips… and yet, when it comes time to apply for a job, so many of us still choose good ol’ Times New Roman. [More]

Resume-Writing Service Copies Cover Letter From Website, Accuses Site Of Copying
There are plenty of ways to copy/paste resumes and cover letters posted online for the cost of zero dollars. So if you’re going to pay a service to help you write your cover letter, you’d at least hope to get something original. And when you find out they have lied to you, you’d probably expect them to own up to their thievery. [More]

How To Quit Your Day Job
If you haven’t fantasized about quitting your day job to indulge your true calling, congratulations — You’re Tom Brady. Give Gisele our love. [More]

Oracle, Apple, Capital One CEOs Rank Among Decade's Top Earners
Being POTUS makes you age prematurely, and Lady Gaga is stuck in a 360 deal that takes a cut of everything she does. Screw that, I wanna be CEO. The Wall Street Journal has listed the top paid CEOs of the last decade, which is topped by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison at $1.84 billion. Steve Jobs comes in fourth with $749 million, and Capital One’s Richard Fairbank is fifth at $569 million. The WSJ also notes that “four of the top 25 CEOs worked at financial companies, two on Wall Street.” [More]

Former Debt Collectors Tell All
CNN’s Money mag has published ten short confessionals from current and former debt collectors. A guy who’s been doing it for twenty years says that “being authoritative and abrasive was like a high,” and that it helped him provide for his two daughters. A woman who’s been in the business for ten years says she knows collectors who hold contests to see who can make the most people cry each day. Another ten-year veteran quit after a debtor he was harassing shot himself. Yeah, it’s a fun Monday morning read. [More]

Washington Wants Better Oversight Of For-Profit Colleges
Enrollment in for-profit colleges like the University of Phoenix, DeVry University, and Kaplan University–Gawker calls them fake colleges–tripled in the past decade, and has become such a fast-growing segment of the education market that some members of Congress think it needs better oversight. [More]

Skip College, Suggest Some Economists
In a country where the mantra “you can be anything you want” is practically a national prayer, it’s still kind of shocking to see someone suggest that a high school student should skip college. Some economists and professors, however, argue that college has become too expensive to throw money at if the odds are high that either you won’t finish, or you’ll go into an industry that doesn’t require a degree. [More]

Jobs With The Highest Stress For The Lowest Pay
Are you feeling underworked and overpaid? You very well may be, compared to people in the top 15 most stressful, lowest-paying careers, according to Payscale.com. CNN Money rounded these jobs up, and explained why they made the list.

How To Win Your Local Job Fair
The anonymous, newly unemployed personal finance blogger behind Well-Heeled with a Mission put together a timely, helpful guide on how to avoid wasting your time at job fairs and actually come away with the experience with some positives rather than feel as though you’ve wasted your time in a cattle call.

You're Ugly! You're Hired!
We love this column from Marty Nemko over at Kiplinger because it’s sort of a go-get-’em morale booster to the ugly—only instead of boosting morale, it just gets more depressing as it goes on. But funny depressing. And after all the weird advice on watching your weight and avoiding hairpieces and wearing moderate makeup, Nemko makes an interesting case for why “ugly” people are better hires.

Sued College Ain't Exactly Harvard
Remember that story about Trina Thompson, the woman who sued her college after she couldn’t get a job? Turns out maybe the institution had it coming.

Jobless College Grad Sues To Get Tuition Back, Misspells "Tuition"
The job market is tough. No one seems to know it better than our nation’s fresh-faced recent college graduates. They’ve discovered a harsh truth—despite hounding alumni for donations, colleges aren’t able to find jobs for them. One recent college grad in New York City is fighting back, since she graduated three whole months ago and her alma mater hasn’t found her a job yet.

How To Raise A Smarter Kid
It turns out kids in wealthier homes have higher IQs, not because of genetics but because of environment. Surely you can be frugal (or just plain poor) and raise a smart one? A psychology professor suggests you focus on praising effort over achievement, and teach delayed gratification—something that also helps when it comes to financial responsibility, so it’s a win/win skill. You should also explain that IQ is expandable, not inherent: “Students exposed to that idea work harder and get better grades.”

Looking For A Job? The Foreign Service Is Hiring
The New York Times reports that the freeze on Foreign Service hiring has been lifted, so if you’re willing to endure being moved to a new (occasionally dangerous) country every 2 to 3 years…