If you haven’t tasted a Flying Dog Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale, you’re missing out on a “fresh, balanced and lively” drink that’s “almost Pilsner-like,” says a panel of beer experts in the New York Times. The Flying Dog took top honors in a taste test of 20 American pale ales, followed by Long Trail, Stoudts, Sly Fox, and Otter Creek. If you can’t remember these smaller labels this weekend on your way to the cookout, you can always stick with Sam Adams pale ale, which placed seventh. [More]
best of

CNBC Taking Votes For Best "As Seen On TV" Product
Karla writes, “I thought this fun little tournament might interest Consumerist readers, especially the possibility of a Billy Mays vs. Vince from Shamwow showdown in the Sweet 16.” The contest will determine the “greatest ‘As Seen on TV’ product,” although with entries like Video Professor and Miss Cleo on there, “greatest” seems to be loosely defined.

15 Credit Cards With Good Rewards Programs
The financial columnist at MSN Money quizzed five credit card industry experts and a frequent flyer expert to find the best cards when it comes to travel programs, cash back programs, and savings programs. She narrowed it down to a top six—two in each category—and a bunch of near misses.

Best of Sprint
If you persistently insist that Sprint fix their numerous errors you will be dropped as a customer, according to reader Michael.

Best Of Bank Of America
“They couldn’t see my funds were depleted? What kind of bank would give an overdraft of $23,000? We are not talking about $100,” she said.

Best Of Comcast Bad Install Stories
“So why did Comcast’s installer show up without a router asking for $115.80 in cash? Why did he drill holes in Jason’s walls and baseboards, and unplug his HP Media Center PC Box (thereby breaking it)? Why was he rude to Jason, requiring him to “show the cash” to “make sure he had it?””

Best Of Walmart
“With the heat wave searing American soil lately, it becomes more and more important to not lock your baby in the van in a Walmart parking lot.”
Top Verizon Stories
“Just before Poodleman filed a motion to seize Verizon’s property, he received a check from the company….Perhaps it was better for everyone involved that Verizon paid Poodleman, as it might have been a bit difficult for the sheriff to arrest an entire company.”

The Best Of Dell Computer
On Monday morning I was heading to work like any other day.. little did I know that my home was being consumed by a raging fire.

Best Of Apple Computer
Chris finally had to put a hold on his repair so that he could retrieve the disc from Apple before they installed the new one. Guess what he found.

The Best Of United Airlines
How would you like to fly from Hawaii to Chicago in an airplane full of cigarette butts, candy, used tissues, pretzel bags, maxi-pad wrappers, crumbs, dirt, pens, balls of “goo”, and god knows what else…

This Week In: Favorites Consumed
s favorite Consumerist stories of the week, as determined by Google Analytics page views.