Natalie separated from her husband and called Geico about separating her car insurance from her soon-to-be ex, but was told the rate would go up quite a bit. She’s feeling discriminated against: [More]
car insurance

Join Church Of Nationwide Insurance, Get Accident Forgiveness
Sean received an exciting promotional letter from Nationwide Insurance a few weeks ago. Did you know that Nationwide has its own imaginary patron saint? It’s true! Is this mailing a lighthearted way to sell the idea of “accident forgiveness,” or a culturally and religiously insensitive ad campaign? Sean thinks it’s the latter. What do you think? [More]

Tell Car Insurance Company You're Driving Less, Save On Premiums
It almost seems like a bad joke from a Geico commercial: I lost my job, but the good news is I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance! [More]

AAA Canceled My Bro's Insurance Without Telling Him
Adam says his brother thought he had car insurance through AAA, but discovered when he was pulled over that the company had dropped him without notifying him. Then he got stuck with two $600 tickets in the same day for driving without insurance. [More]

How To Pay As Little As Possible To Insure Your Jalopy
Despite what certain geckos would have you believe, the art of saving money on car insurance goes beyond doing whatever television commercials tell you to do.
When your credit score sustains a dent, make sure your car doesn’t. Because higher car insurance is just what you need when you’ve lost your job. Auto insurers use customers’ credit scores as part of the formula to determine premiums. Shop around—different companies assign different weights to credit score in their calculations. []

Progressive Has No Notion of Christmas Spirit, Announces Yule-tide Rate Increase
According to an Email received by reader Jessica, Progressive Auto Insurance is increasing rates for New York Customers by nearly 20%. And the best time to announce this? Christmas day, of course!

Personal Finance Roundup
Four Ways to Improve Your Resume [Yahoo Hotjobs] “Here are four tips on how you can power up your resume for today’s more competitive job search arena.”
You’re dead: Where’s your 401(k)? [MSN Money] “If you should die before spending all your hard-earned retirement savings, any number of things could happen to the remaining money. Don’t let it fall into the wrong pockets.”
7 Secrets to Picking Great Funds [Kiplinger] “These methods will help you choose wisely and give your portfolio a boost. Some may surprise you.”
When Should You Downgrade Your Car Insurance? [The Simple Dollar] “How do you know when the time is right to downgrade your car insurance?”
4 Ways to Reduce a Gadget’s Power Drain [Smart Money] “Here are four ways to cut your gadgets’ energy consumption.”
— FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: PaulBarwick)

Personal Finance Roundup
The smartest advice I ever got [CNN Money] “40 great minds share the best money lessons they ever learned.”

State Farm: This 1963 Chrysler Newport Is Not An Antique, Unless You Give It A Fresh Coat Of Paint. What?
Humphrmi’s 1963 Chrysler Newport has antique license plates, meaning he can’t drive to or from anywhere other than car shows, shops and parades; but State Farm won’t insure the car as an antique unless it gets a new coat of paint. “You have to paint the car,” they said, to avoid a 33% higher premium. Does this strike anyone else as insane?

Personal Finance Roundup
9 big credit card myths [MSN Money] “What you don’t know could hurt you.”

10 Things Your Auto Insurer Won't Tell You
Is a toad hiding in your engine? Here’s 10 little car insurance dirty secrets from SmartMoney:
The Car Insurance Penis Tax
Okay, this guy’s an ass: as a rule, we don’t like smarmy consumers like this. Moreover, it’s got some strategic edits which are suspect. Hell, I suspect Tim’s part of the call was recorded independently of Luke’s “Aren’t I just so clever?” retorts.