If the popularity of the NES Classic was any indication, this year’s SNES Classic, a mini Super Nintendo with pre-loaded games, will be a hit product well into the holiday season. Yet customers who thought they had placed pre-orders at Walmart learned that the device they were expecting won’t be coming. Their preorders were canceled. [More]
canceled orders

Problems At Snapfish Lead To Pre-Christmas Photo Scramble, Angry Customers
Five years ago, shortly before Christmas 2010, a reader complained to us that the photo-printing service Snapfish over-promised on their Christmas shipping deadlines, running late on her calendars and failing to get them to her before the holiday. This year, they seem to be doing the same on a massive scale, missing their advertised shipping dates due to “unprecedented volume.” [More]

Reminder: If A Store Won’t Sell You A Laptop For $10, It’s Not Bait And Switch
It’s not the fastest or best computer you’ll see, but the laptop that reader J. spotted for sale at her college’s online bookstore was a deal she couldn’t pass up. An AMD E300 processor! 2 gigabytes of RAM! A 320 gigabyte hard drive! All this for only $10. She placed an order and waited…only to have her order rudely canceled with no notice. [More]

Macy’s Consumer Protection Department: Still Protecting Consumers By Canceling Their Orders
Last year, we learned that Macy’s has a Consumer Protection Department tasked with protecting consumers by canceling their orders. We think. That’s what it looks like from here, anyway. John stumbled across our post on the subject, Macy’s Consumer Protection Department Protects Me By Canceling My Orders, and wrote in to share his own experience. Ultimately, his order went through, but only after he gave his credit card info over the phone. That means he lost $80 in eBates credit that he would have received for placing his order through the rebate site. [More]

Toys R Us Keeps Canceling Orders, Ignoring Customers
Sure, some hiccups in the ordering and delivery process are to be expected at a toy store during the toy-buying-frenzy that is the holiday season. You’d think, though, that Toys ‘R’ Us would be aware that their business picks up quite a bit in the winter, and would prepare for this kind of thing. If our mailbox is any indication, not so. They’re canceling orders and leaving customers on hold for extended periods. At least they aren’t canceling all of these orders a few days before Christmas? [More]

Best Buy Virtually Cuts Up My Credit Card, Won't Let Me Pay By Other Means
Allison’s experience of having her credit card purchase denied by Best Buy online may not be as embarrassing as a head-shaking waiter returning your card after a meal, but it’s every bit as frustrating. Best Buy sent her an email informing her that her credit card wouldn’t go through, but every time she calls to rectify the situation, she’s gets lost in voice mail hell. [More]

US1Photo Pulls The 'Buy Accessories Or We'll Cancel Your Order' Scam
Nate has stumbled across yet another scammy online camera retailer, US1Photo, also known as US1Camera. Longtime Consumerist readers and photography enthusiasts who visit camera forums are familiar with the routine: offer a great deal on a camera, contact the customer later and try to hard-sell expensive accessories, and if the customer refuses simply cancel the order and blame it on inventory issues. Nate is actually thinking about placing the order a second time. Nate, do not order from US1Photo.com. Their bargain-basement prices lure you in, but companies like this are only out to cheat you.