The first sign that Russell Petrie was too drunk to fly was probably when he boarded the plane and yelled “let’s party and have some drinks!”

Coffee Shop Installs Fake Security Camera In Bathroom
A coffee shop in Montreal has removed a “dud” security camera from its bathroom after news of it hit the local papers. Corporate headquarters asked the franchise owner to take it down, and apologized/avoided blame in a press release that said they were “not consulted in advance.” The franchise owner had installed it as a sort of junkie scarecrow, to frighten away heroin users who were leaving dirty needles in the bathroom stall.

Canadian No Longer Has To Pay More For AppleCare
Zachariah no longer has to wonder about why AppleCare costs more in Canada ($199) than in the US ($169), he found a deal at L.A. Computer Company where he could get it for $119. They emailed him the agreement number, he registered the number online at Apple, and received his official AppleCare Protection Plan Certificate in the mail. So what’s the solution to the mystery of why there was a pricing disparity even though there’s parity between the dollar and the loony? We don’t know for sure, but we’re placing our money on that the prices were figured out when the dollar was worth more and they just haven’t been readjusted since.

Great Ad Campaign For… A Cemetery?
These three hilariously morbid print ads are for Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto, by Canadian ad agency ACLC.

Dairy Queen Owner Exclaims "Good God Almighty, Where's My Manager?" After Workers Moon Drive-Thru Window
Hey St. John’s Dairy Queen workers, you forgot to make your Facebook group private. Now your hilarious little videos of each other mooning the drive-thru and waging indoor snowball fights are all over Canadian television. They just don’t understand your jokes about “using meat the next day that wasn’t kept overnight in the cooler.” Neither do the health inspectors.

Potential Solution To Rogers Wireless SMS Fee Hike
A reader tells us that on March 4, 2008, Rogers Wireless will increase the price of international text messaging to 25 cents per message, which he thinks might be another “get-out-of-contract-free” opportunity similar to what Verizon opened itself up to when it hiked its fees this month. However, according to the portion of the contract Andrew sent us, and based on what a commenter wrote on a previous post, we think what might happen instead is Rogers Wireless will simply let you continue under the terms of your old contract if you call up and insist. It’s worth a shot—post how it turns out if you try it.

Canadians Wonder Why They Have To Pay More For AppleCare
We all know that Canadians have to pay more for books, but why do they have to pay more for AppleCare?

Future Shop Sends You Two Blocks Of Wood Instead Of A Router
Happy New Year, Canada! Here’s a special treat for our neighbors to the north:

Canadian Funeral Home Owner Busted For Cremains Fraud
The former owner of a funeral home in Princeton, British Columbia, has been charged with fraud for handing out random urns of ashes to his customers. The funeral home had been shut down in 2005 for operating without a license, but since it’s rather difficult to spot the “wrong” ashes by sight, the problem wasn’t discovered until another funeral home began to sort through the leftover inventory and found over 50 urns that had been labeled unclaimed.

Dollar Parity Results In Piles Of Clothes Discarded By Canadian Shoppers
Canadians are heading to the U.S. to do their shopping—and are leaving their old clothes behind in order to avoid paying a duty when they cross back into Canada.

Four Months Later, The Fridge You Paid Sears To Remove Is Still Sitting There
As with many of the real life stories on your site, ours is filled with astonishment, confusion and anger. It began in August of this year and continues until today.

Cancer Fears Prompt Retailer To Pull Nalgene Bottles
Canada’s premier sporting goods store has pulled Nalgene bottles from their shelves over concerns that bottles are made with a cancer-causing chemical. The Vancouver-based Mountain Equipment Co-op is waiting for the outcome of a study from Health Canada on the health effects of bisphenol-a (B.P.A.) before returning the ubiquitous bottles to shelves.
Oftentimes ISPs advertise connection speeds higher than what they can deliver. [CBC Marketplace]
JetBlue Wants You, Canada
Low-cost U.S. carrier JetBlue Airways Corp. is applying to launch charter and scheduled service between Canada and the United States, a move that is expected to shake up Canadian rivals and reduce transborder fares.
For all you porn seeking Canadians lured south by our sexy, sexy dollar parity: Here’s a list of DVDs confiscated by the Canadian Border Services Agency. Don’t worry, Napoleon Dynamite was ruled “admissible.” [Smoking Gun]

USDA Says Defunct Canadian Meatpacker Was Source Of Recent E.coli Beef Contaminations
The U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service has used “DNA fingerprints” to trace the source of recent U.S. outbreaks of contaminated beef back to one shoddy supplier in Alberta, Canada. The company most likely responsible is Rancher’s Beef, Ltd, which went out of business on August 15th, but not before helping sink Topps and contributing to nearly 100 illnesses in the U.S. and Canada.

Hepatitis A Scare At Calgary McDonald's
Attention residents of Calgary: Anyone who ate at the McDonald’s at Foothills Industrial Park, 5326 72 Ave. S.E., across from the Calgary Soccer Centre from Oct. 1 to 23 is at risk for Hepatitis A after a food handler tested positive for the disease.