
Why I Canceled Comcast

Why I Canceled Comcast

Reader “Mr. Pants” writes us with the story of why he canceled Comcast. It’s all the reasons that everyone cancels Comcast wrapped up into one spiffy complaint letter.

Comcast Reminds Customers Not To Start A Mass Spontaneous Uprising

Comcast Reminds Customers Not To Start A Mass Spontaneous Uprising

Comcast PR sent us this statement about the hammer-wielding grammie:

Legend Of Comcast Office-Smashing Grandma Spreads

Legend Of Comcast Office-Smashing Grandma Spreads

The old lady who busted up a Comcast office with her hammer after getting sick of their delays, that we told you about two weeks ago, got her story written up in a new and even more exciting fashion by the Washington Post. The piece includes this photo of Mona Shaw posing with her trusty tool of consumer vengeance.

Comcast Prices Rising Around The Country

Comcast Prices Rising Around The Country

Comcast rate hikes have been seen across the nation in Chicago IL, Houston TX, Lancaster PA, Tacoma and Seattle WA, and San Francisco CA. The cable company says the higher prices reflect the cost of hiring hundreds of call-center and technical support employees. Maybe they got sad after years of being the lowest in customer satisfaction and decided to do something about it.

Comcast Law Enforcement Handbook Leaked

Comcast Law Enforcement Handbook Leaked

Comcast’s Law Enforcement Handbook (PDF) was leaked today and posted on Secrecy News.

Comcast's Official Angry Customer Policy

Comcast's Official Angry Customer Policy

This is an internal Comcast document entitled, “So you have an angry customer?” It’s a guide for technical support and customer service representatives for when unhappy customers call. It’s actually very good, full of plain talk and ways to think about the situation to help solve and defuse it. Apparently none of the Comcast customer service reps our readers complain about have ever read it.

Sick Of Waiting For An Install, 75-Year-Old Woman Smashes Up Comcast Office With Hammer

Sick Of Waiting For An Install, 75-Year-Old Woman Smashes Up Comcast Office With Hammer

“Have I got your attention now?” asked Mona Shaw of the Comcast payment center employees as she smashed their keyboard, monitor and telephone.

Time Warner Offers $30 Credit To Apologize For Hammering Through Wall, Drilling Through Floor

A Time Warner installation tech searching for a cable line hammered several holes in reader Christos’ wall, and then drilled a few more in his floor. When the random destruction failed to produce the wire, the tech crept downstairs and split Christos’ neighbor’s line. Now Christos can only watch the channel selected on his neighbor’s cable box.

The NFL Accuses Cable Companies Of  "Curbing Competition"

The NFL Accuses Cable Companies Of "Curbing Competition"

Reader Sean forwarded the following email from the NFL, along with a note:Hi guys, Longtime reader of the site. Not sure how you see this email, but I find it to be insulting to my intelligence.

Find Your State Public Utilities Comission

Find Your State Public Utilities Comission

If you have a complaint with a company in any of the following industries

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On Time Warner

Executive Email Carpet Bomb Scores Direct Hit On Time Warner

Reader Clayton launched the feared Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Time Warner executives after learning that the cable installation he scheduled for this week would not occur until November. Within an hour of launching the EECB, Clayton received a call from Time Warner promising to reschedule his installation for this weekend. Clayton’s EECB:

5 Confessions Of A Comcast Customer Service Rep

5 Confessions Of A Comcast Customer Service Rep

“I am writing this because I feel more and more as I work there that I can’t sit back and watch Comcast fall flat on its ass when it comes to customer service. I hate to say it like that but Comcast’s customer service is amazing. I am going to tell you a few things that you may not believe happens in a call center but it does. I am leaking this information in hopes that Comcast will know that their customers are fully aware of what is going on and that their screwed up actions should be stopped in their tracks.”

Contact Information For Directors Of Time Warner Cable, San Diego Division

Contact Information For Directors Of Time Warner Cable, San Diego Division

Here are the company contacts, phone numbers, and email addresses for the division directors of Time Warner Cable, San Diego division. If you’re a TWC subscriber in that area with a problem and not getting any traction through regular customer service, one of these people should be able to help you.

Comcast's Download Cap Is 200 GB, But Only In Areas With Subpar Networks

Comcast's Download Cap Is 200 GB, But Only In Areas With Subpar Networks

Comcast’s download limit is 200 gigabytes, but the limit isn’t everywhere, a former Comcast employee told The Consumerist. Places where the network isn’t optimal, due to old hardware or too much traffic, like the Bay Area, will run into the limit. Places like Philadelphia will never run into the problem.

Appeals Court Says Hacking Your DirecTV Not The Same As Commercial Piracy

While piracy funds kills babies, we support the idea of people being free to modify devices they have purchased with they money they earned through blood, sweat and toil, so we were glad to hear that an appeals court said that hacking your DirecTV card shouldn’t be penalized under a more punitive clause of the Federal Communications Act.

FCC Takes Action To Prevent Cable Companies From Dropping Digital Broadcast Networks From Analog Cable

FCC Takes Action To Prevent Cable Companies From Dropping Digital Broadcast Networks From Analog Cable

In 2009, broadcast channels are going to switch over to digital, freeing up a large swath of bandwidth that will be sold to the highest bidder. At that point, says the FCC, cable companies were going to drop broadcast networks from analog cable.

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Talks "A La Carte" Cable

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin thinks your cable bill is too high.

Comcast Installs Cable With Extreme Incompetence

Comcast Installs Cable With Extreme Incompetence

This above pictured pile of cables is but the beginning of Glen’s magical mystery tour into the wonder of having a Comcast contractor install cable…