
Can't Watch Your Premium Cable Channels ? Ask For "CCV Hit"

Can't Watch Your Premium Cable Channels ? Ask For "CCV Hit"

Now you don’t need to get special tender loving escalation to enjoy the same solution as Charlie of Charter Decides To Care That Reader Can’t Watch Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares fame. Reader Mangopants had the same problem where he couldn’t watch a specific channel. He writes, “After 5 months, 60+ calls to Charter (not exaggerating) and 3 visits from technicians I finally got a supervisor visit this site and read this article and the related problem article – she sent a “CCV Hit” to my box – fixed the problem right up!” A little Googling shows it’s the reset code for premium channels and it’s not just for Charter, “CCV Hit” works for other with other cable companies and on other DVRs.

Police Blotter On Demand? Comcast Helps Catch Bank Robbers Thanks To Bored People

Police Blotter On Demand? Comcast Helps Catch Bank Robbers Thanks To Bored People

Comcast has issued a press release claiming that they’re helping to solve crimes with something called “Police Blotter On Demand” a trial program launched in the Philadelphia area.

FCC Chairman Takes Aim At Cable Monopolies

FCC Chairman Takes Aim At Cable Monopolies

Newly emboldened FCC Chairman Kevin Martin plans to wield the Cable Communications Act of 1984 to shatter the cable industry’s anti-competitive practices. The proposed regulations would give consumers flexible, diverse programming at cheaper rates, while capping the cancerous growth of conglomerates like Comcast and Time Warner.

The commission is preparing to take steps to make it less expensive for rivals of the largest cable conglomerates to buy their programs — so that, for instance, a satellite company would find it less expensive to purchase programs by the Turner Broadcasting System, a unit of Time Warner.

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

Email Addresses For Comcast Executives

If you have a problem with Comcast, and you’ve called customer service, and you’ve escalated to a supervisor, and maybe even hung up and tried a different person, and you’re still getting nowhere, here are some executive email addresses you could use to launch an Executive Email Carpet Bomb against Comcast…

Comcast Mole Starts Blog

Comcast Mole Starts Blog

The Comcast insider who leaked the BitTorrent memo promises to tell all of Comcast’s dark secrets at


Customer forces Comcast to upgrade his connection speed to the advertised speed. [Something better to do]

Charter Doesn't Care If You Can't Watch BBC America

Charter Doesn't Care If You Can't Watch BBC America

“I have a TIVO HD that uses two cablecards. On 9/27/2007, I realized that channel 196 (BBC America) was not working on either card; it did not appear to be authorized. I called Charter customer service (as I have had to do for many problems over the last couple months), and their immediate response was, as usual, to send out a technician. I called back a bit later and suggested that they try removing the tier from my account and adding it back in – this technique had fixed another random outage affecting all HD channels that had occurred earlier in the week. As with most calls to Charter customer service, I felt that the representative didn’t really know much of anything about the service and that I had to troubleshoot my own issue. The technique didn’t fix it, so the technician came the next day (9/28/2007). This was the 4th technician to come to my home in the last 2 months (all because of problems with Charter service), and like the others, he did nothing that I couldn’t have done myself…” Seeks Theme Song Seeks Theme Song

ComcastMustDie, a blog about how much Comcast sucks, is looking for someone to make a theme song for an upcoming podcast. They want it to be 90 seconds or less, contain instrumentals, vocals and it would be nice if they contained these suggested lyrics:

Californians Hoping Raiders Game Stays Blacked Out So They Can Watch Colts And Pats

Californians Hoping Raiders Game Stays Blacked Out So They Can Watch Colts And Pats

Here’s an odd situation. There are only two markets that will not be able to see the much-anticipated Colts/Pats game on Sunday, Houston and Cleveland—unless the Raiders manage to sell out their game and lift the NFL blackout. If they do, San Francisco will have to watch the Raiders. And they’re not real happy about it.

Comcast Hunts BitTorrent Memo Leaker

Comcast Hunts BitTorrent Memo Leaker

According to an inside source, Comcast is trying to hunt down who leaked the internal BitTorrent memo to us last week. The rumor is that they’re interrogating supervisors and then customer service representatives. Memos regarding the dire consequences of providing internal information to the press are being distributed.

Comcast Calls FCC Decision To Ban Apartment Cable Deals "A Blow" To Consumers

Comcast Calls FCC Decision To Ban Apartment Cable Deals "A Blow" To Consumers

The FCC approved a rule banning apartment building cable deals today, and Comcast is all mad about it.

An Excellent History Of The Evil DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket Monopoly

An Excellent History Of The Evil DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket Monopoly

NFL Sunday Ticket is like amazing delicious super crack. From the ability to watch whatever game your fickle heart desires, to the hypnotic decadence of “The Red Zone Channel,” NFL Sunday Ticket is well, radical.


Cablevision will raise the cost of its average video package by 4.7% starting in December. It says the cost of its Internet and digital phone services will remain the same through 2008. [Reuters]

F.C.C. To Strike Down Sole Provider Cable Deals for Apartments

F.C.C. To Strike Down Sole Provider Cable Deals for Apartments

The FCC is slated Wednesday to nullify and bar exclusive agreements between cable companies and apartment buildings. Currently, in cases where such arrangements exist, consumers can only choose the cable provider their landlord inked the deal with. The FCC hopes is to increase competition and lead to lower prices for consumers. Verizon and AT&T, which have started offering their own video services, lobbied heavily for the action.

Damning Proof Comcast Contracted To Sandvine

Damning Proof Comcast Contracted To Sandvine

Comcast told its employees to not comment when customers ask about recent reports in an AP article that it contracted BitTorrent sabotaging to a company called Sandvine, or to even discuss that a relationship exists between the two companies. Too bad that Barron’s financial magazine reported back in April that the two are in bed together:

LEAKS: Insider Tells Us There's Proof Comcast Contracts BitTorrent Sabotaging To Sandvine

In the reports about Comcast’s disruption of traffic between customers using the BitTorrent file-sharing protocol, it’s alleged that Comcast outsources the traffic meddling to a third-party company called Sandvine. Publicly, and in an internal talking points memo leaked exclusively to The Consumerist, Comcast refused to comment on having any relationship with Sandvine.


Comcast’s profit fell 54% and Standard & Poor’s downgraded the stock to sell. So sad, it brings a crocodile tear to our eyes. [Post-Gazette]

Comcast Ceases Throttling Traffic After Negative AP Story?

Last week, Comcast got positively busted by the AP for disrupting users who use a popular file-sharing method called BitTorrent. Now Reader Brandon in the DC area says:

I’ve found that Comcast isn’t throttling traffic now that they’ve been exposed. I’d been throttled for the few days prior to the story, then two days after bam, I was downloading. I downloaded 2 gigs of music.

Comcast is probably just going into hiding so other outlets can’t issue confirmation reports of the AP story, then after the news forgets about it, they’ll go right back to it. But not the internet. The internet never forgets. Especially when you’re trying to stop the internet from internetting.