
Comcast Unleashes CustomerCentral

Comcast Unleashes CustomerCentral

Comcast sent me an e-mail with this alert/warning that the company is about to change its billing/customer service interface.

Comcast May Buy Controlling Stake Of NBC Universal

Comcast May Buy Controlling Stake Of NBC Universal

Hey, are you ready for Comcast to take more control over your entertainment? Then great news for you! Yesterday a rumor leaked that the cable giant is negotiating to buy 51% of NBC Universal, which includes the movie studio Universal, Universal theme parks, the NBC network, and shows like 30 Rock and SNL.

How To Cut The Cable/Satellite Cord And Remain A Couch Potato

How To Cut The Cable/Satellite Cord And Remain A Couch Potato

We’ve written about ways to cancel satellite or cable and still be able to watch a ton of shows before, an spotted this nifty refresher, posted back in June, from the Christian money blog Bible Money Matters.

Reverse Sneaky Fees With These Free Complaint Letters

Reverse Sneaky Fees With These Free Complaint Letters

Want to claim a missing rebate, or reverse sneaky cable, bank, cellphone or hotel fee? These free complaint letter templates posted by Gotcha Capitalism and Red Tape Chronicles author Bob Sullivan are a godsend. It’s like Madlibs for money.

Comcast Contractors Caught Disconnecting Competitor's Service Then Peddling Wares

Comcast Contractors Caught Disconnecting Competitor's Service Then Peddling Wares

So you’re working as a door-to-door contractor for Comcast, faced with the task of convincing subscribers to a competitor to get Comcastic and net you some commission. So naturally you decide, “why not disconnect their service, then step in and offer my wares when they’ll be more appreciated?”

Comcast: You're Too Far Away For Cable But Your Neighbor Isn't

Comcast: You're Too Far Away For Cable But Your Neighbor Isn't

Attention: A satisfied Comcast customer has written to this website. Sadly, reader Kevin is now being denied the delicious shivery pleasure of Comcast’s services — because his new house is 600′ too far away.

Complaint E-mail To Cablevision Results In Immediate Response, Cool Insider Info

Complaint E-mail To Cablevision Results In Immediate Response, Cool Insider Info

Do you know how powerful just one dissatisfied customer can be? David, a telephone, internet, and cable TV customer of Cablevision, didn’t know until he was finally frustrated enough with the company to send a very honest e-mail detailing his issues with their service. He received a response that he hadn’t expected at all.

Why Commercials Sometimes Aren't Perfectly Synced With The Shows

Why Commercials Sometimes Aren't Perfectly Synced With The Shows

Zac read our recent post about Comcast randomly throwing advertisements in the middle of cartoons and other programming. He let us know that the errant commercials can be explained by science. Broadcasting technology science, that is!

DirecTV Viewers, Your Hockey May Be Melting

DirecTV Viewers, Your Hockey May Be Melting

DirecTV and Versus Network — which shows NHL games — can’t agree on terms, meaning hockey fans may be in danger of having their TV-unfriendly sport not showing up much on TV this season.

My TWC DVR Is Possessed By The Ghost Of Someone Who Likes Tom & Jerry Cartoons

My TWC DVR Is Possessed By The Ghost Of Someone Who Likes Tom & Jerry Cartoons

Perhaps you’ll recall reader Dave, who was told by Time Warner Cable that the reason he wasn’t getting Fox in HD was that they had stopped broadcasting it in the New York City area. We had hoped that publishing his letter would help resolve some of his issues, but sadly, that is not the case. Dave is back and this time his DVR is possessed by someone who likes “Tom & Jerry” cartoons.

Comcast Auto-Payment Charges Account In Perpetuity; CSR Tells Cardholder To Cancel Card

Comcast Auto-Payment Charges Account In Perpetuity; CSR Tells Cardholder To Cancel Card

Marian adorably paid her son’s cable, phone and internet bills as he attended grad school in Chicago. All were handled by a company called… Comcast. Duh duh duuuuuuh!

Comcast Employee Rescues Driver From A Submerged Car

Comcast Employee Rescues Driver From A Submerged Car

Add “rescue people from an underwater car” to the list of things Comcast is better at than installing cable.

Why Won't Time Warner Take This Nice Old Lady's Money?

Why Won't Time Warner Take This Nice Old Lady's Money?

Steve in northern New York is having a problem with Time Warner. He would like it if they could install service at his mother’s newly constructed house. Time Warner not only doesn’t want to take her money, they can’t give her the best deal available because her house is too new.

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Do you know that Comcast commercial where this homeowner gets FiOs installed against his will and then all these bulldozers tear up his lawn and bumbling contractors cause an electrical short? Lelah’s letter describes a process that’s very similar, except worse and much longer. And then this salesman just picks up her guitar and starts playing it and singing without even asking first. No wonder, by story’s end, she’s been driven to the brink of insanity, demanding compensation for 5 missed days of work. So far, they’re offering her $25.

Save Money on Cable Television and TV Services

Save Money on Cable Television and TV Services

Given the state of the economy, it seems like everyone is looking for ways to save on non-discretionary expenses. Lucky for us, The Digerati Life offers some useful thoughts on how to cut back on TV services without turning off media completely. Their five suggestions include:


Hey, look! Comcast has their very own blog! It features mostly regular company news about Comcast services and the adventures of employees and executives, but at least it allows comments. Even Consumerist favorite Frank Eliason, Director of Digital Care (aka @comcastcares on Twitter) has joined in the fun.

Want NFL Network, Comcasters? That'll Still Be An Extra $60 (Or $200) A Year

Want NFL Network, Comcasters? That'll Still Be An Extra $60 (Or $200) A Year

Comcast-subscribing NFL fans did the Ickey Shuffle back in May when the NFL Network and Comcast revealed that they’d made nice and the channel would made available to Comcasters on the “Digital Classic” package for no additional charge Aug. 1.