As my Great Uncle Aloysius always used to say, one wholesale distributor’s loss is a food bank’s gain: After a semi-truck carrying somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000 pounds of frozen Butterball turkeys overturned on a California highway, spilling fuel in the process, a local food bank will reap the benefits. [More]

Food Bank Gets Butterball Windfall After Truck Carrying 25K Pounds Of Frozen Turkeys Overturns

Butterball CEO: No, Our Turkeys Are Not Full Of Butter
Earlier today, we looked at the creation stories of more than a dozen famous company names, but we didn’t mention the curious moniker of the turkey company whose name has become closely associated with Thanksgiving. [More]

Butterball Doesn’t Know Why Its Fresh Turkeys Aren’t Getting Big This Year
When you’re a big-name turkey titan like Butterball and use phrases like “plump and juicy” on your packaging, it’s problematic when your birds don’t grow to the heft you expect in time for Thanksgiving. That’s why the folks at Butterball are looking into this year’s flock of skinnier than usual turkeys. [More]

Butterball Introducing Male Turkey Talk Line Operators For The First Time This Year
“How long do I cook it? “Where do I stuff the stuffing? Do I cook it inside the turkey?” “What is a turkey?” These are all questions a first-time turkey chef might have when the big day arrives. The holidays: when people who perhaps are unfamiliar with cooking wield basters and eye their fowl foes, when help is only a phone call away at the Butterball Turkey Talk help line. And this year, there could be male voices on the other end. [More]

Butterball Facing Animal Abuse Allegations Just In Time For Thanksgiving
Another Thanksgiving, another controversy starring its big bird, the turkey. An animal advocacy group is leveling claims at Butterball again, accusing the turkey-centric company of abusing and neglecting birds at some of its locations. Tis the season, after all, and no one wants their main course to come from an unhappy turkey. [More]

Officials Raid Butterball Turkey Facility To Investigate Claims Of Animal Cruelty
A North Carolina Butterball facility was raided recently by officials, who were investigating claims by an animal advocacy group that the company has been abusing fowl on the premises. Mercy for Animals sent law enforcement video they’d collected from hidden cameras at the plant. [More]

The 5 Stupidest Questions People Ask The Butterball Turkey Hotline
If you’ve ever wondered why companies like Butterball have a Turkey Talk-Line to help people cook a bird that, in theory, shouldn’t require all that much effort, here are some examples why. [More]