Back in the ’80s, Coca-Cola’s Hi-C brand agreed to develop a citrus-flavored drink to promote the cartoon series The Real Ghostbusters. The drink was a green-colored citrus-flavored sugar concoction called Ecto Cooler. Now, it appears that Ecto Cooler is returning to shelves to promote the new Ghostbusters movie. [More]
it came from the ’80s

The Glorious ’80s Time Capsule House Is Having An Estate Sale
You may remember our post about a month ago of a home on the market that captured an era so perfectly that it just stunned the Internet. We were in love with “the ’80s house,” as we called it around the office. Now anyone can own a piece of what makes the house so stunning, because tomorrow and Saturday, the owners are having an estate sale. [More]

This Glorious ’80s Time Capsule House Is Real, In Living Primary Colors
In the suburbs of Buffalo, New York, there is a house that until recently was for sale. From the front and from the back, the exterior looks like any ordinary upscale house built in the late ’80s. Inside, however, it looks like the sets from “Saved by the Bell” collided with sets from “The Golden Girls,” then somehow became attached to a mall food court from 1988. Then nothing ever changed. [More]

Strawberry-Flavored Honeycomb Cereal Will Return To Stores
The children of the ’80s are now adults with jobs, who have occasional disposable income between student loan payments. Makers of sugary breakfast cereals are capitalizing on this, re-releasing our childhood favorites for us to eat as snacks or inflict on our own children. That’s why Strawberry Honeycomb is back on shelves in some areas to tempt the nostalgia-stricken. [More]