There’s hope for humanity yet: the 78-year old pensioner who saved 10 years for a cruise, only to have Princess Cruises screw her out of her money after missed connections resulted in a missed embarkation? She will get to take that cruise. After her story hit the papers and the blogosphere, strangers stepped forward to fund her cruise ship dreams. This time, Almentia McKan will arrive a day in advance, fly non-stop, and purchase travel insurance. She probably won’t be sailing Princess Cruises either.
New Word For Corporate Shill Blogs
Dovetailing with the whole Wal-Marting Across America scandal, we thought flogs, for fake blogs, was pretty good.

• Gateway breaks down, man charged with really long hold times. [A Shot of Southern Comfort]
• Such an ebullient profusion of toothpaste. Our mouth feels dirty after reading the litany of offerings. Time for a piece of Trident. [Lekowicz]
• Aetna doesn’t feel like paying for this baby’s Tay Sachs treatment. [Dear Aetna]

AOL Exec Chimes In About “The Call”
The Washington Post asked Jason Calacanis, an AOL exec and headmaster of Weblogs Inc, what he thought of the infamous AOL call. Here’s our responses, in brevis, to what he blogged.
• For some reason, we get a chuckle over the screen saying, “File System NAND Start.” It also rhymes with, “Gotta go K-Mart.” [Tim Ellsworth] “Don’t Buy Any Audiovox products”
A Blogosphere Reacts
People are linking to the our AOL retention manual article, as well as a mal-edited Comcast broadcast. They’re saying things and we’re reading them. Now we’re telling them to you.

• When your MacBook is cooking, Apple prefers you sizzle blind. [Tuaw] “MacBook Pro heat problem heats up”

It’s the weekend, and time to party. Therefore, tonight’s dangling odds and ends are presented in scream format.

• This MickyDee’s didn’t realize that giving away free wi-fi didn’t mean just selling more milkshakes to kids playing Super Yoshi’s Disco Poophouse against each other, it also attracted homeless bloggers. You can’t have your honey-slathered butter biscuit and eat it too. [The Homeless Guy] “McDonalds: The Evil Empire Strikes”
• Buying a wedding dress on Craiglist is cheap, but you also have to factor in the cost of removing the boob padding. [Another Fucking Wedding] “Wedding dress redux”

• It’s not just for Amy’s Ice Cream anymore, now the book Nazis are in on the fix. [Geek With the Family] “Public Library’s $10 Visa Minimum Ruins My Day”
• Don’t thank me. I SAID, don’t thank me. Do you pay my baby’s bills? DO YOU PAY my baby’s bills? Didn’t think so. Don’t make me cut you, AccessoryGenie! [YodaYid’s WackyWorld]
A Group of Crows is Called a ‘Murder,’ But What of Blogs?
• Paypal customer service stinks in Hungary like rotting borscht.
• Didn’t like the ads before the Chappelle’s Shows he bought from iTunes, so he complained very very very diligently and became, perhaps the only person in the world who ever got an iTunes refund. And no, he didn’t support his claim by yelling, “I’m Rick James, bitch!” over and over again. [thewebguy]
Ogling the Complainosphere
• Volkswagen likes to sponsor concerts by wives of convicted war criminals, and no, we’re not just talking Hitler’s Youth Army Dance Party this time. GENOCIDE! LIVE! AND IN CONCERT! Will the Jetta’s superior side-crash safety rating protect us from the pangs of conscience? [Report from a concert by a Serbian war-criminal]