
Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

Cancel Cingular By “Moving” To Caliente

A reader reports he was able to get out of his Cingular contract by telling them he was moving to a remote area of NV.

Verizon Drops Baseless DSL Fee After FCC Pressure

Verizon Drops Baseless DSL Fee After FCC Pressure

Nine days after installing a new “supplier surcharge” fee to essentially replace one government regulators dropped, Verizon DSL decided to stop levying the fee. Verizon came under heat from customers and received a letter from the FCC asking it to explain its actions. BellSouth, which also received a FCC letter, announced it would drop a similar charge.

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

What Is A Verizon “Merits” Customer?

As we know, it’s someone who eligible to get 100 Free Anytime minutes from this site, which is not a phishing site.

Verizon DSL, A Fee By Any Other Name…

Verizon DSL, A Fee By Any Other Name…

Verizon announced in an email sent to customers that starting August 14th, Verizon Online will stop charging the FUSF (Federal Universal Service Fund) fee. This fee cost customers $1.25 or $2.83 a month, depending on their plan. FUSF was a fee “assessed” by Verizon’s DSL suppliers, but since they’ve stopped “assessing” it, Verizon will stop “recovering” it.

Farecast Adds 50 Cities!

Farecast Adds 50 Cities!

Bowing to the pressure of there being more to life than Frasier and Cheers, Our favorite predictive airfare search engine has expanded past only servicing Seattle and Boston. As of this morning, Farecast supports over 50 cities, including New York City, LA, Washington, Chicago and many more.

Capps Rental Bilks Katrina Relief Volunteer

Capps Rental Bilks Katrina Relief Volunteer

Turns Out You CAN Get Insurance Insurance

Turns Out You CAN Get Insurance Insurance

CIGNA Changes Mind About Paying $9700 Surgery Bill

CIGNA Changes Mind About Paying $9700 Surgery Bill

Ahhh, the second of the insurance stories has trickled in and it’s a rip-roaring doozy.

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

Clever Gambit For Debating CSRs

You wouldn’t think that making a cellphone call in your own bedroom would get charged as ‘roaming,’ but that’s exactly what happened to Andrew W. One side of his room is bathed in Sprint coverage. If he shifts to the other side of the bed, all of a sudden he’s roaming, and getting charged for it.

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Anya responded to a telemarketer’s call 2 years ago and bought some magazine subscriptions. She thought she was going to pay “somewhere between 14 and 44 dollars a month,” and paid with her debit card.

Cingular Sics Debt Collectors On Innocent Customer

Cingular Sics Debt Collectors On Innocent Customer

An AT&T customer, Chris upgraded his plan after the merger with Cinuglar. A week later, Cingular sent him a bill for $300, an “early termination fee.” Welcome to the neighborhood, indeed.

UPDATE: Bally’s Tele-Customer Service Blows

UPDATE: Bally’s Tele-Customer Service Blows

After his complaint appeared here on The Consumerist, Garth reports his ongoing issue with Bally’s double-billing him got fixed up ship-shape.

The News; Now in 3-D!

The News; Now in 3-D!

• Quote of the week: “Dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security.” [HoustonChronicle] “Judge Refuses to Dismiss EFF’s Spying Lawsuit Against US Government”

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular Bill Walks Like A Duck

Cingular’s inability to maintain accurate billing records are resulting in invoice overages which they seem powerless to fix, according to DB’s complaint.

Cingular Customer Denied Access To Billing Records

Cingular Customer Denied Access To Billing Records

If you’re looking to join the newly minted class action against Cingular, you might want to turn that shredder off. A customer was seeking to replace the billing records he had shredded, in order to prepare to join the suit, and called up the cellphone company.

Ask The Consumerists: Defeat T-Mobile’s Fascist Billing Unlogic?

Ask The Consumerists: Defeat T-Mobile’s Fascist Billing Unlogic?

A seasoned traveler and journalist, Mike knows how to juggle his cellphones and avoid usurious charges while abroad. Before he leaves for international locales, he records a message on his phone instructing people to only call him on a second, pay-as-you-go mobile. Somehow he still ends up getting dinged.

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Being an environmentally conscious good Samaritan, Erika Anders recycled her cell phone after she was done with it at a local Best Buy. The next month, she received a bill for $20,590.67. Many of the calls originated from Brazil. Still Auto-Renewing, Still Defeatable Still Auto-Renewing, Still Defeatable

A Phillies fan, Loretta signed up for so she could follow her team after moving to Florida. She did not want to renew but found had courteously done that for her, without asking or warning. She called customer service who kept saying they would refund it, but then changed their story and said her grace period was up.