Back in early May, Consumerist reader JR decided to buy a microwave off, which should have been a simple process. Little did she expect that she’d end up paying for two microwaves and waiting nearly three months to get a refund. [More]

Best Buy To Merge Reward Zone Site With In Attempt To Gain Online Customers
As things stand now, members of Best Buy’s Reward Zone loyalty program who want to shop online have to do so through a dedicated section of, which is probably not a good idea for a retailer that is having trouble converting in-store looky-loos into online buyers. And so, as part of a major overhaul of its website, Best Buy will finally be integrating the two sides of [More]

Best Buy Gives Up On “No Customer Service E-Mail” Experiment After Only 6 Weeks
Perhaps Best Buy was just in a frustrated, overworked mood because of all the holiday shoppers (who were buying stuff on Amazon) when it decided in December to remove the option of contacting customer service by e-mail. Because that contact info has magically re-appeared on [More]

Best Buy’s Holiday Sales Flatten Out, Which Is Not All That Horrible
Following a year in which the nation’s largest electronics retailer saw both its CEO resign under the cloud of scandal, its founder step down in order to attempt to buy the company back, and three quarters of declining sales, news of merely flat holiday sales is good news for Best Buy. [More]

Hurry Up And Get These Best Buy Year-End Deals If You Want To Buy Stuff At The Full Retail Price!
If you’re tired of looking for bargains and want to spend the full retail price on electronics, we have found a great sale for you! [More]

Another Top Best Buy Exec Flees The Ship
Less than a year after joining the company, Stephen Gillett, the head of Best Buy’s digital team — which includes — has left the electronics retailer for a gig at Symantec. [More]

Best Buy Charges Me For Laptop That’s Not In Stock, Doesn’t Really Care
Consumerist reader Scott says he should have listened to those people who have told him not to shop at Best Buy. I he had heeded their words, maybe he’d have his new laptop instead of having to deal with a store full of employees who apparently don’t care about fixing his problem. [More]

Best Buy Website Runs Ads For Competing Websites
Lots of large websites run Google ads in order to generate a bit of cash without having to actively sell an ad module. But the folks at Best Buy might want to rethink this strategy, as many of the Google ads on are linking to deals at competing e-tailers. [More]

Best Buy Online Sale Shows Company Not Quite Ready To Become E-Commerce Powerhouse
Last week, new Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly said the company needs to make online sales a priority, as the retailer continues losing market share to e-tailers like Amazon and Newegg. But if this morning’s scheduled sale is any indication, Best Buy is not ready to compete with the big boys and girls. [More]

Dear Best Buy: This Is Why You Are Failing Online
The folks at Best Buy HQ may not be quite sure who should be running the company, but they all seem to agree that Amazon and other online retailers are the reason behind the company’s dwindling market share. Yes, that’s partly true, but there is no reason the nation’s largest electronics retailer shouldn’t also have a successful website. Unfortunately, Best Buy seems to be making even more mistakes — and providing worse service — to its online customers. [More]

Which Online Retailers Offer 24/7 Phone Support?
One of the reasons a growing number of people choose to shop online is that they never have to worry about getting to the store during business hours, or being rushed to get out of the store when it’s near closing time. But even though almost every e-tailer is open for business 24/7, very few online stores offer around-the-clock customer support. [More]

Best Buy: Hacker Attacks Are Increasing For Online Retailers
Several weeks ago, we told you how several Best Buy customers were complaining that someone out there was attempting to make bogus, phantom purchases through their accounts. We wondered at the time if the retailer’s site had been a possible victim of someone cracking into its customer database, but Best Buy says these unfortunate incidents are the result of ramped-up efforts by scammers against and other websites. [More]

Best Buy Waits Until Now To Admit It Doesn't Have That Stuff You Ordered On Black Friday
In case you are calendar-challenged, Christmas is less than a week away, meaning you have precious little time to get your shopping done. Unfortunately for some people who thought they were getting things done early by ordering through Best Buy’s website over the Black Friday weekend, they are just now finding out that they are out of luck. [More]

Hurry To Best Buy For Free Nonexistent Shipping
The game Tony Hawk: Shred is marked down to $9.99 from $29.99 at Best Buy, with free shipping. Fantastic deal, and Yero went to check it out. Then he noticed something odd: shipping is free, but this item cannot be shipped. Is something that doesn’t exist inherently free, or does not existing at all mean that it can have no cost? [More]

Best Buy Angers Internet By Accidentally Listing HTC Flyer At $99
In an incident reminiscent of the $69 iPad error, a number of people are upset with Best Buy after it refused to honor a $99 price for the HTC Flyer tablet that it claims was accidentally posted to the Best Buy website. [More]

Best Buy To Allow Online Competitors To Sell Through
Many people refer to Best Buy as “the place I window shop for things I’ll buy from someone else online.” Now the electronics retailer’s latest move seems to acknowledge this fact while still profiting from it. [More]

Glitch In Best Buy Website Changes Your Shipping Address To Another Customer's
If by some slim chance you have an account on, you might want to check it out to make sure your information is correct, as a glitch in the website’s customer database has reportedly led to customer addresses (and who knows what else) showing up in the wrong account. [More]

Best Buy Orders Stores To Stop Saying They Don't Price-Match To
Last week, we showed you the sign at one Best Buy store that openly stated it would not match prices found on, flying in the face of the company’s stated policy. We subsequently received numerous e-mails from Best Buy staffers saying they had been ordered to not price match, but to tell customers to order on the website and arrange for in-store pickup. After that story was posted, BB HQ sent out a directive to staffers, laying down the law on this topic. [More]