Best Buy Waits Until Now To Admit It Doesn't Have That Stuff You Ordered On Black Friday

In case you are calendar-challenged, Christmas is less than a week away, meaning you have precious little time to get your shopping done. Unfortunately for some people who thought they were getting things done early by ordering through Best Buy’s website over the Black Friday weekend, they are just now finding out that they are out of luck. reports on the flurry of complaints in the forums from customers who placed orders weeks ago, only to find out this week that their order has been canceled.
“We had ordered and [received confirmation] for a Holiday Bundle from Best Buy’s Web site. We received a confirmation on the purchase and an expected shipping date,” writes one customer. “On Thursday of this past week we received an e-mail informing us that the order was being canceled.”
To atone for this error, Best Buy offered this shopper a gift card. Unfortunately, it will not arrive until after Christmas.
“I placed two orders for the Fujifilm AX-350 on Black Friday for $50 each,” writes another peeved customer. “They have been back ordered up until today, one week before Christmas and now they are cancelled. I called up to inquire and they stated that there was nothing that they could do.”
In a statement to the Street, some Best Buy Geek writes:
Due to overwhelming demand of hot product offerings on during the November and December time period, we have encountered a situation that has affected redemption of some of our customers’ online orders. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and we have notified the affected customers.
As customers continue to shift their holiday shopping to online retailers, stories like this do very little to help convince shoppers they should think of Best Buy’s website as a dependable place to make purchases.
Best Buy Shoppers Find Black Friday Deals Unreliable []
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