
PowerBook Explodes, Man's Apple Crush Grows

PowerBook Explodes, Man's Apple Crush Grows

Jimm Lasser went to sleep with his PowerBook sitting underneath his bed, and woke to find it bursting into flames. From the pictures, it looks like there was a battery malfunction.

Cellphone Battery Designed To Fail At First Drop Of Water?

Cellphone Battery Designed To Fail At First Drop Of Water?

Does one of the LG cellphone batteries have a sensor on it to cause cellphone failure after the first touch of water? Even though no significant amount of water has penetrated the actual battery or cellphone itself. That’s what Tim wonders after conducting a little experiment and paper hack following dropping his cell phone into a tiny bit of coffee.


UPDATE: This is a total hoax. Inside a 6 volt battery is 4 D batteries. So it seems you can open a 6 volt battery and find 32 AA batteries inside. Consider that a 4 pack of AAs costs around $5, and you can get a lantern battery for about $5, and that’s some powerful savings.

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Just when you thought it was safe taste to eat a pomegranate… a Dell laptop catches fire and self destructs! This time, on 9/03, in a Shanghai office.

Nokia Recalls 46 Million Defective Batteries

Nokia Recalls 46 Million Defective Batteries

Nokia has recalled 46 million defective Chinese-made batteries according to the New York Times. The batteries can overheat and dislodge during charging. Nokia promises to replace the batteries at no cost to the consumer.

If You're Out Of Cellphone Service For A Long Time, Remove Your Battery

If You're Out Of Cellphone Service For A Long Time, Remove Your Battery

If you’re going to be in an area with no cellphone service for more than a few hours, consider removing your cellphone battery during that time or it might go dead. It seems that turning your cellphone off isn’t enough; the cellphone may continually try to resync with the mothership grid, and the successive abortive attempts are very draining on the battery level.

Acer Laptop Batteries Recalled Due To Fire Hazard

Acer Laptop Batteries Recalled Due To Fire Hazard

It seems Acer fell asleep during the whole Sony battery recall thing and is just recalling them now. Well, I do have a couple of affected Acer laptops, and so far the process is painful. The operators on the other end answer the phone in a language unknown to me (though one time I think I heard the operator say South Africa?) though they promptly switched to very understandable English after I spoke.

Rumor: iPhone Battery Lasts For Only 40 Minutes Of Talk Time

Rumor: iPhone Battery Lasts For Only 40 Minutes Of Talk Time

The iPhone battery lasts for only 40 minutes of talk time, according to intel tech guru John Dvorak received from an inside Cingular source.

Exploding Batteries On A Plane: Recent In-Flight Fires Prompt Warnings About Loose Batteries

Exploding Batteries On A Plane: Recent In-Flight Fires Prompt Warnings About Loose Batteries

After one fire broke out in a overhead compartment on a JetBlue flight and another on an American Airlines aircraft flying from Argentina, the Department of Transportation has issued a warning to passengers traveling with loose batteries. The batteries in question are the type that power laptops, camcorders, and other “rechargeable” devices. If not stored properly the batteries can overheat and ignite.

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Cellphone Didn’t Ignite Man On Fire

Turns that the man in the polyester suit who caught on fire in his hotel, well, it wasn’t his Nokia cellphone that started the conflagration.

Cellphone Ignites In Pocket, Burning Man’s Body And Hotel Room

UPDATE: It wasn’t a cellphone after all.

Explodeproof Battery Production Spikes

Explodeproof Battery Production Spikes

Matsushita announced plans to mass-produce a laptop battery that won’t explode.

Warning: Vista May Drain Laptop Batteries

So, if you’re upgrading to Vista and you’re really excited about those Aero windows, understand that they may come with a price, at least while on the go. —MEGHANN MARCO

Sony Recalls Fujitsu, Gateway, Toshiba and Sony Laptop Batteries

Monday, Sony voluntarily recalled batteries for all the notebooks listed in the headline, due to risk of fire. If you own one of these laptops, check out this page to see if the recall affects you.

Apple Battery Recalls Encourage Prolonging Immolation Risk

My wife just (six weeks later) got her new battery from Apple for her Powerbook G4. The instructions on the printed materials that came with the new battery stated that the old battery had to be drained prior returning. Suggested ways to do this: play a dvd, play a CD or play the Chess game computer vs. computer.

Sony Sorta Sorry For Flaming Batteries

“We are sorry for the offense caused by the battery recall…”

Sony Recalls Gateway, Sony, Toshiba, Fujitsu Batteries

Monday, Sony launched a voluntary recall of laptop batteries for the manufacturer’s listed in the headline of this post. If you own a notepad made by one of these people, check this chart to see if you computer is affected.

No, Dell Ain’t Charging For Replacement Batteries

No, Dell Ain’t Charging For Replacement Batteries

Contrary to the vituperations of Lowell G, Dell is not charging people for swapping out their exploding batteries.