
Comcast To Baseball Fans: Sorry You Woke Up At 6AM To Watch Nothing, Here's $2

Comcast To Baseball Fans: Sorry You Woke Up At 6AM To Watch Nothing, Here's $2

On a normal day, losing some cable channels for a couple of hours would be an inconvenience. On a day like today, some might use words unfit for publishing. You see, today was the first game of the Red Sox and A’s seasons, played in Japan. The game started at 6AM EST, and plenty of die hard baseball fans rose early to watch… nothing. Comcast gave me a $2 credit for my troubles. There’s nothing like a $2 credit to make me feel valued as a customer.

Wanna See The Red Sox Play The Reds? You Must Also Buy Tickets To Three Other Games

Wanna See The Red Sox Play The Reds? You Must Also Buy Tickets To Three Other Games

A Bostonian now living in Cincinnati, reader Patrick was excited to see that this year’s Major League Baseball schedule includes a Red Sox at Reds series. He went to the Reds’ ticket website to buy tickets for his family, friends, and himself. That’s where things got ridiculous.

This Wii Baseball Bat Is Not Regulation

This Wii Baseball Bat Is Not Regulation

I found this on Amazon’s video outlet. No wonder it’s on sale.

We’re not, like, Barry Bonds or Sammy Sosa or anything, but yeah. Something seems a little off.

MLB Rips Off Everyone Who Bought Games Under Their "Old" DRM

MLB Rips Off Everyone Who Bought Games Under Their "Old" DRM

Major League Baseball, in its infinite wisdom, has decided to deactivate its system for “authenticating” downloads, and they apparently expect people to repurchase the games in a new format. What?

Comcast Says Chicago Will Have TBS HD For Tonight's Cubs Game

Comcast Says Chicago Will Have TBS HD For Tonight's Cubs Game

I am having trouble getting the Cubs on Comcast. I have been working with Comcast for two-plus weeks on this and it is still not working. The first game is tonight at 9PM to beyond midnight. I have a Tivo Box that uses the “Cable Card” approved by Comcast. It is on Channel 47(TBS) but that station is not working due to “Content Security” problems. I am stuck, as Comcast is the only provider due to Cable company regulations.

StubHub Becomes Official Scalper Of Major League Baseball

StubHub Becomes Official Scalper Of Major League Baseball

Private ticket sales will emerge from the shadows under a five year agreement signed by Major League Baseball that will make StubHub the only official site where fans can buy and sell baseball tickets amongst themselves. 25 of the 30 MLB teams already run secondary ticket trading sites, but starting in 2008, they will consolidate under a StubHub-run, MLB-branded site. Some teams are less than excited.


Bat manufacturers, spurred by a ban on aluminum bats, are bringing back the hickory bats used in Babe Ruth’s day.

Panera Bread Burns Kansas City

Panera Bread Burns Kansas City

A deluge of baseball fans trying to collect free bagels has led Panera Bread to cancel a promotion with the Kansas City Royals. Under the promotion, ticket stubs from a home game in which the Royals won with thirteen or more hits could be redeemed for thirteen free Panera bagels.

How To Get Into A Baseball Game

How To Get Into A Baseball Game

Almost every stadium to which I’ve every been has a sales office open to the public. It’s in here where the managers and full-time sales staff reside during pre-game. These are the people who can get you that extra ticket or find you a seat to a “sold out” event. Don’t waste your breath arguing at the ticket window, those people are usually part-time and can’t do much. Plus, it’s much harder to argue when there’s a big line behind you and a big plastic window in front of you. Sales offices usually have smaller lines and a counter without a window – this makes it much easier to negotiate.

Above And Beyond: Baseball Edition

Above And Beyond: Baseball Edition

Tom attended opening day at RFK Stadium to see the Washington Nationals, but couldn’t get a hot dog. What is baseball without a hot dog? Is that cricket?

At no point during the game were the lines shorter than two innings. When I tried to go back in the 7th, there were hotdogs, but no buns. Who the fuck orders more hotdogs than they order buns? I mean, I get that they come 8 buns to a pack, but 6 dogs to a pack, but the solution here is to use combinatorics, a word which I alone learned on Square One back in the late 1980s, and come up with an equal fucking number of hotdogs and buns. Folks, this is not rocket surgery. It’s fucking concessions. Owners were supposed to fix this situation, not carry it forward. Yet, this opening day, much like the previous two, have brought concession lines that were unacceptably long, and concessions unable to cope with the demand of a full stadium.

Tom forwarded his concerns to Stan Kasten, President of the Nationals. Stan’s response, inside…

StubHub? StubHorror.

StubHub? StubHorror.

Even in the wonderful world of internet scalpers, StubHub manages to take a truly horrific chunk of flesh with you when they fleece you. Still Auto-Renewing, Still Defeatable Still Auto-Renewing, Still Defeatable

A Phillies fan, Loretta signed up for so she could follow her team after moving to Florida. She did not want to renew but found had courteously done that for her, without asking or warning. She called customer service who kept saying they would refund it, but then changed their story and said her grace period was up.

UPDATE: ‘I Love Baseball but Hate’

UPDATE: ‘I Love Baseball but Hate’

We keep reading reports that is doing very well, has lots of subscribers, investors and money. They should invest some of that into their customer service.

‘I Love Baseball but Hate’

‘I Love Baseball but Hate’

We’ve received a couple of complaints about’s billing service. People like Colleen and ‘Major Steel’ love being able to listen to home or away radio broadcasts of every game, live and archived, for fifteen bucks a season. What they abhor is their credit card being billed three times.