In the age of online shopping, are bookstores irrelevant? The new CEO of big-box bookstore chain Barnes & Noble doesn’t think so. If they were, why would Amazon be opening physical bookstores across the country, with a new one opening in New York City tomorrow? He sees this growth as proof that bookstores are still relevant. [More]
barnes and noble

Barnes & Noble CEO Uses Amazon To Justify His Company’s Continued Existence

Barnes & Noble Is Starting A Restaurant Group: Wait, What?
Barnes & Noble is looking at ways to keep people coming to their stores in the future, and that will mean opening prototype stores later this year. One unexpected thing that the prototype stores will have will be a restaurant. Nope, not just a Starbucks or a cafe: a restaurant. [More]

Could Barnes & Noble Stores Be Shrinking? Company Looking At New Formats
After years of struggling to maintain sales, Barnes & Noble may be looking to revamp its image, starting with smaller stores. [More]

Walmart, Other Retailers Slash Price Of Hachette Books Amid Amazon’s Ongoing Feud With The Publisher
While the power struggle between Amazon and book publisher Hachette moves into its third week, other retailers have begun to use the situation to their advantage. [More]

Family Accused Of Traveling The Country To Shoplift $7M Worth Of Merchandise
I don’t know about you, but when my family went on trips together it involved long car rides listening to books on tape, spending a week or hiking in the woods and other fun memories. None of those involved traveling together out of state to shoplift around $7 million in merchandise over decades, like one set of parents and their adult daughter group are accused of doing. [More]

Barnes & Noble CEO Resigns Because You Didn’t Buy A Nook
In the bookstore arena, two American giants remain: Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Both companies sell dead-tree books and have created their own e-reader brands, and both companies see that e-reader as essential to their future survival. Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch resigned late yesterday, part of an expected shakeup after the world learned that the Nook division lost a whole bunch of money. [More]

Barnes & Noble Will Quit Manufacturing Nook Color Tablets
Tablets are growing in popularity worldwide and cutting into PC sales, but Barnes & Noble has decided to get out of the crowded tablet biz. Their Nook comes in single-purpose e-reader and full-color Android tablet varieties, They’re still going to design and sell e-readers, but future color tablets will be “co-branded” with existing tablet manufacturers that you’ve probably already heard of. [More]

Barnes & Noble Warns Of Credit Card Breach At 63 Stores
Early this morning, bookstore chain Barnes & Noble announced that it had detected tampering with PIN pad devices in 63 of its stores, and as a precaution has halted the use of PIN pads in all of its stores. [More]

Barnes & Noble Gets All Braggy About Charging Six Times The Original Price
Haitham was on a quest for a simple blackjack strategy card, so he used his online search skills to check out prices. He found what he wanted at Amazon, but because they were going to charge him twice the price of the card just to ship it, he went elsewhere. And sure enough, Barnes & Noble found a way to not only gouge him even worse, but then they went and bragged about it. [More]

Study: At 88 Hours, Takes Longest To Respond To Emails
Going electronic is supposed to be faster and more efficient for retailers and customers, but in some cases you’d be better off just walking into the store to get your questions answered. [More]

An Open Letter To You From An Employee At A Liquidating Bookstore
Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a clerk behind the register at your favorite bookstore which is being liquidated in a bankruptcy sale? What do they make of all of it? What are their hopes and dreams? Are they just mentally picturing making everyone’s head explode? Well nows your chance to plumb those depths, as McSweeny’s has published a humorous open letter written by an employee at one of these stores *cough* Borders *cough*. [More]

Nook Deletes All Your Files, Barnes & Nobles Shrugs
If you own a Nook, you better make sure you regularly update its software, otherwise you might lose all your files that are not B&N books. That’s what happened to Michael, and customer service told him that it can happen if the device hasn’t been updated recently. The updates are too much for it to handle so it has to spontaneously jettison all foreign objects! Or something like that. [More]

Barnes & Noble Wants To Sell Itself, But Who's Gonna Buy It?
Barnes & Noble shares are soaring after it announced that it was up for sale and may even go private, or merge with Borders. [More]

If You Sell A Nook For $259 + $50 "Free" Gift Card, Then Drop The Price More Than $50…
Here’s a puzzle for you. B&N just cut the price of the Nook e-reader by $60. Over the Father’s Day weekend, the Nook was $259 with a “free” $50 gift card. One PC World reader who got this deal called B&N to ask if he could have a refund of the price difference and was told he could only have $10 because he got a gift card. Now he wants to know if he’s been shafted. [More]

Once You Break Your Nook, No One Can Repair It
If you buy a nook from Barnes & Noble and think there might be any possibility whatsoever that you could drop it, be sure to buy a protection plan for it. That’s because if the nook breaks and you didn’t buy an extended warranty, no one at Barnes and Noble can fix it. Not even if you offer to pay for the repairs. [More]

Barnes & Noble Shelves "Diary of Anne Frank," "Guiness Book of World Records" Under Fiction
When reader Lynn asked an employee at the Tyson’s Corner Barnes & Noble in McLean, VA why the Diary of Anne Frank and the Guiness Book of World Records were shelved under fiction, he jokingly responded: “Some Albanian probably put it there.” Good one, Barnes & Noble!!! Full picture, inside.

Barnes & Noble Limited Receipt Policy Won't Go National Until October?
A Barnes & Noble insider tell us the new policy limiting returns to 14 days with receipts won’t go in effect nationally until October, according to CEO Steve Riggio’s internal blog.. The policy is currently in testing in New York, New Jersey, California, and Virginia. “The point is to eliminate “customers” who empty their bookshelves of books they’ve owned for years and get store credit. The company line is “to bring our policy in line with other national retailers,” the insider tells The Consumerist. However, “the ability to “extend” the policy beyond the 14 days will be up to the compassion of the store/manager you encounter.” Looks like all you non-VA-CA-NY-NJ shysters have until October to ply your fiendish book return schemes.