This is not how Comcast wanted to end a week that saw it having to explain how a supposedly rogue employee could change a customer’s name to “A**hole Brown.” Other customers have since come forward claiming they also had their names tweaked for the worst by Comcast staffers. [More]
sticks and stones

Millionaire UBS CEO Wants Everyone To Stop Picking On Banks For Being Unethical
Listen, you guys. We know it makes you feel better to pick on banks for all those ethically dicey financial things like manipulating interest rates and making other questionable decisions. But the CEO of UBS wants you to cut it out, because while sticks and stones may break his bones, words will never hurt him. Sniff. Sniff. [More]

Samsung Fined Because You Can’t Hire Writers To Say Mean Things Online About Competitors
Remember when Taiwan started investigating Samsung after a slew of mean comments about HTC started appearing online? Authorities there have decided that yes, Samsung was indeed paying writers to tear its competitor down while also writing glowing things to build Samsung’s phones up in the eyes of online commenters. [More]

Police: RadioShack Worker Punched Customer For Being Sarcastic
We get it — sarcasm flows from your lips like it’s your mother tongue. But not everyone is appreciative of such a tone — crazy, I know. See, that was sarcasm, used in the right setting. The wrong setting was apparently a RadioShack for one customer, who told police a worker walloped him for being sarcastic. [More]

Subway Manager Fined $75 For Asking Pakistani Customer If He Was A Terrorist
Four days after the attempted Times Square bombing, a 64-year-old Indian-born Subway manager in North Chicago walked up to a 29-year-old Pakistani-born customer and said: “I heard you guys were recruiting more terrorists in New York. Are you one of them?” [More]