
New York Attorney General To Look Into AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

New York Attorney General To Look Into AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

Looks like Sprint isn’t the only one with concerns about the pending $39 billion sale of T-Mobile to AT&T. The Attorney General for the state of New York has announced that his office will be conducting a “thorough review” of the deal. [More]

How Do You Convince The Cable Co To Lay Broadband To A Semirural Area?

How Do You Convince The Cable Co To Lay Broadband To A Semirural Area?

Like many Americans, Liv and her neighbors are cut off from high-speed broadband access because they live in an area that the cable company says is too far for them to run lines to. She says she’s spent a few years trying to convince them but hasn’t made any headway, even getting the neighbors to band together and say they would all agree to service. What can she do to change AT&T or Comcast’s mind, or can she even and would she be better off with a DIY solution? [More]

Sprint: AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Will Harm Consumers & Competition

Sprint: AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Will Harm Consumers & Competition

Last week, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse voiced concern about the pending sale of T-Mobile to AT&T for $39 billion. Today, the company issued its official statement on the matter, saying it’s not just concerned about its own bottom line, but about you, the consumer. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

After eight days and 16 first round battles, the WCIA steel cage is littered with the bones of those companies not crappy enough to continue on in the tournament. But the thrill of victory is fleeting for the remaining combatants, all of whom must square off again if they hope of crowning themselves the Worst Company In America! [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: AT&T Vs. Verizon

Worst Company In America Round One: AT&T Vs. Verizon

Telecom’s two biggest bruisers are finally set to duke it out in the ring. And don’t expect this pair of pugilists to just phone it in. [More]

Sprint CEO "Concerned" By AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

Sprint CEO "Concerned" By AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

After learning that his company could potentially go from a distant third place to a very distant last place overnight by the pending sale of T-Mobile to AT&T, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse is letting the world knows he isn’t exactly thrilled. [More]

Flashback To 2007: Stephen Colbert On AT&T's Formation

Flashback To 2007: Stephen Colbert On AT&T's Formation

It seems like only yesterday that Cingular gobbled up AT&T Wireless, becoming the AT&T Wireless that we know and love today. Now that they’ve proposed bringing T-Mobile USA into the family, we can’t help but remember this classic clip from “The Colbert Report” from 2007 — way back when no one had ever heard of a toxic asset, and the original iPhone was enthralling new technology. [More]

Consumers Union: Hard To See Benefit Of AT&T And T-Mobile Deal

Consumers Union: Hard To See Benefit Of AT&T And T-Mobile Deal

As we wrote yesterday, telecom giant AT&T is planning to pay $39 billion to acquire competing mobile carrier T-Mobile USA. And while the Death Star stands to benefit from the inherited 30 million subscribers and expanded network it will inherit, is there anything to be gained by the cellphone-using public? [More]

Free Calls To Japan From AT&T, Verizon, Comcast And TWC

Free Calls To Japan From AT&T, Verizon, Comcast And TWC

Several telecommunications providers are giving US customers free long-distance calls and texts to Japan. AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and TWC are all waiving charges. AT&T is giving 60 minutes of free talk time between the US and Japan until the end of the month. Verizon is offering $0.00/minute rates between the two countries until April 15. Comcast is giving away free calls to voice customers through April 11. Time Warner Cable is giving digital phone customers free calls to Japan through April 15. A helping hand for those looking to connect with a friend, colleague or loved one over in Japan. [More]

AT&T Rolls Back Free Rollover Minutes For Some

AT&T Rolls Back Free Rollover Minutes For Some

Looks like AT&T is rescinding the 1000 free rollover minute offer for some of the people people who tried to jump on it. [More]

Verizon Looking To Introduce Tiered iPhone Pricing Plans In Mid-Summer

Verizon Looking To Introduce Tiered iPhone Pricing Plans In Mid-Summer

When Verizon released its version of the iPhone last month, it said the unlimited data plan required to use the phone would eventually give way to tiered pricing though the company refused to put a timeline on it. Now, Verizon is being slightly more specific about its plans. [More]

Who Sucks The Most, AT&T Or Verizon? Vote With Your Gum

Who Sucks The Most, AT&T Or Verizon? Vote With Your Gum

Instead of spitting their gum on the sidewalk like usual, people are using it to vote whether AT&T or Verizon sucks more. “Gum Election” is a project where people download a free poster off this site, post it out on the street, and people stick their gum on the entity that “sucks the most.” Early results based off a poster hung up on Lafayette Street in New York favor AT&T. [More]

Consumer Reports Can't Recommend Verizon iPhone

Consumer Reports Can't Recommend Verizon iPhone

Our cousins-in-arms at Consumer Reports have finished their tests on the Verizon iPhone and found that, just like the AT&T version of the iPhone 4, it offers great multimedia functionality, a sharp screen and one heck of an MP3 player. Unfortunately, when used without a case, it also shares its predecessor’s problem of dropping calls and weak signals. [More]

AT&T Workers Rescue Woman From Burning Building

AT&T Workers Rescue Woman From Burning Building

A pair of AT&T employees were working in a suburban Chicago town yesterday morning when they heard an explosion down the block. But rather than wait for authorities to show up or run for cover, they ran toward the scene to rescue the woman who had been trapped on the building’s second floor. [More]

AT&T Bribes Users With 1000 Free Rollover Minutes

AT&T Bribes Users With 1000 Free Rollover Minutes

The latest salvo in the AT&T and Verizon Cola Wars was for Big Blue to bribe all its users into staying with a surprise gift of 1000 bonus rollover minutes. Some users thought the text message announcing the free minutes was some kind of spam or scam – and who could blame them? – but it was definitely sent out by AT&T, as confirmed to Consumerist by AT&T PR. They said, “It’s real – we’ve done this before…it’s a way of thanking our customers.” If you didn’t get the text, some users, even those who weren’t targeted by the initial blast, have reported the free minutes showing up on their account after texting “yes” to 11113020. [More]

AT&T Launches Unlimited Calling to Any Mobile

AT&T Launches Unlimited Calling to Any Mobile

AT&T will let you make unlimited calls to any mobile phone on any network for free, as long as you are already have unlimited messaging ($20 for individuals, $30 for FamilyTalk plans) and are in a qualifying voice plan. After enrolling in Mobile to Any Mobile Calling, dialing another cellphone won’t use up your minutes. Coming on the same day that the Verizon iPhone goes on sale, it looks like AT&T is making a play to try to keep budget-conscious customers from exiting. More info at [More]

Survey: Many People Likely To Leave Android For Verizon

Survey: Many People Likely To Leave Android For Verizon iPhone

Ruh roh! Seems the Verizon iPhone is very popular, which is good news for Verizon but not so good for Android and BlackBerry. A new survey says many users of the Google and Research in Motion Smartphones would likely switch to Verizon’s new offering. [More]