
AT&T's Response To Verizon's iPhone Snark Is A

AT&T's Response To Verizon's iPhone Snark Is A Yawner

Oh, snap…? AT&T has responded to Verizon’s snarky iPhone 4 ad, in which the “can you hear me now?” guy says yes, now he can hear you, on Verizon’s network, with one big yawner of an ad. [More]

Verizon Drops Snark Bomb On AT&T In New iPhone

Verizon Drops Snark Bomb On AT&T In New iPhone Ad

Verizon gets all catty against AT&T in this new ad. First it shows the iPhone spinning and light passing over it while a a dramatic orchestra pumps and a throaty announcer intones, “It’s beautiful. It’s intelligent. It’s genius. But does your network, work?” Then the phone rings. It’s Verizon guy! He says, “Yes, I can hear you now,” and wiggles his eyebrows. Oh snap! Let the coke wars begin! In other news, the “can you hear me now” guy is has put on a few pounds. In other other news, Verizon has declared they’re all sold out of iPhone 4 pre-orders. [More]

Sprint Also Making Upgrade Program Suck More

Sprint Also Making Upgrade Program Suck More

Not wanting to be left out of the party, Sprint became the latest carrier to announce it’s going to make it more expensive for customers to upgrade. [More]

Lawsuit: AT&T Overcharged iPhone & iPad Users "Like
A Rigged Gas Pump"

Lawsuit: AT&T Overcharged iPhone & iPad Users "Like A Rigged Gas Pump"

For any iPhone or iPad users who might have suspected that AT&T wasn’t accurately measuring their data usage, a new lawsuit claims you might be right. [More]

AT&T: Where Seven Months Equals Two Years

AT&T: Where Seven Months Equals Two Years

AT&T is a powerful company, but we didn’t know that they were powerful enough to interfere with the passage of time. Yet they are! They used their magic to take Mark’s seven-month-old DSL modem, and transform it into a 2-year-old DSL modem. [More]

Get Unlimited Data Back On AT&T iPhone If You Downgraded To Limited Plan

Get Unlimited Data Back On AT&T iPhone If You Downgraded To Limited Plan

If you’re an iPhone user on a limited AT&T data plan but had an unlimited one in the past, AT&T will let you switch back for free, the AP reports. [More]

AT&T To Change Text Message Packages And Chuck Some Upgrade Discounts

AT&T To Change Text Message Packages And Chuck Some Upgrade Discounts

Is it cellphone plan adverse tweak season? Now AT&T is changing up its text message plans and doubling the per message rate for going over them, and getting rid of some upgrade discounts, reports Engadget, going off a leaked internal document. [More]

Leaving AT&T For A Verizon iPhone Ain't Cheap

Leaving AT&T For A Verizon iPhone Ain't Cheap

iPhone users sick of AT&T’s network and hoping that Verizon’s will be better will have to pay a hefty price if they want to try and switch. [More]

CTRL-H Replace, Voila! AT&T's 3G Network Is Now 4G!

CTRL-H Replace, Voila! AT&T's 3G Network Is Now 4G!

“AT&T Inc. flipped a switch and turned on its 4G wireless network Wednesday,” reports the WSJ. “The switch, however, was in the company’s marketing department.” Taking advantage of loose definitions for what qualifies as 4G, AT&T has simply relabeled its existing, and much-maligned, 3G network as 4G. [More]

iPhone Alarm Bug Makes Couple Miss Fertility Treatment

iPhone Alarm Bug Makes Couple Miss Fertility Treatment

On Jan 1 and 2 of 2011, tons of people overslept, not due to hangovers, but because of an iPhone glitch that made their alarms go off. For most people this was just an inconvenience, but for one couple it was disastrous. They missed a fertility treatment deadline. [More]

I Call AT&T To Cancel Dead Mom's Phone; Get Sales Pitch Instead

I Call AT&T To Cancel Dead Mom's Phone; Get Sales Pitch Instead

Most people who have had to deal with closing up the loose ends of a lost loved one will tell you it’s at best an unpleasant necessity. But some companies seem downright determined to make it even more miserable by using the opportunity to sell you more crap. [More]

Consumer Reports Says AT&T Is "Worst-Rated"

Consumer Reports Says AT&T Is "Worst-Rated"

It won’t come as a surprise to its users who have had to deal with dropped calls and poor customer service, but AT&T ranked dead last in a new Consumer Reports survey of wireless carriers. [More]

Man Turns Water-Damaged iPhone 3GS Into New iPhone 4

Man Turns Water-Damaged iPhone 3GS Into New iPhone 4

Matt was able to turn his water-damage iPhone 3GS into a new iPhone 4 for only $200, even though he hadn’t reached his upgrade time yet, thanks to a lot of persistence, and a little bit of mercy. [More]

When AT&T Schedules An Install, It's More Like A Suggestion

When AT&T Schedules An Install, It's More Like A Suggestion

David is trying to get AT&T DSL-only installed, but the techs keep missing the appointment or show up without the tools to complete the job. See, the problem comes down to a simple difference in definitions. What you think of as “scheduled appointment,” they think of as “suggestion,” a snippet of melody for them to jazz riff off if they please. And if they don’t feel like it, they’ll go eat a sandwich and come back another day. Or not. [More]

Google Voice App Finally Hits iPhone

Google Voice App Finally Hits iPhone

After a long and windy road, the Google Voice app is now available on iPhone. You can make international calls for cheap, send free text messages, and have your Google Voice number show up on people’s caller ID’s when you call. No more of that pesky mobile site workaround business. [More]

Food Network, HGTV Back On AT&T U-Verse

Food Network, HGTV Back On AT&T U-Verse

Food voyeurs can rest easy, the the Scripps channels are back on U-Verse after a short blackout. [More]

AT&T Relinquishes Vicegrip On Ex-Customer's $500

AT&T Relinquishes Vicegrip On Ex-Customer's $500

Consumerist reader Teighlor and her boyfriend tried to sign up for AT&T U-verse but after 20 days of missed appointments and it never getting installed, they returned the equipment and canceled the service. AT&T then deducted $500 from their account for unreturned equipment. [More]

Verizon To Start Selling iPads Later This Month

Verizon To Start Selling iPads Later This Month

In a move that might give credence to the latest rumors about a Verizon iPhone, Verizon announced today that it will begin selling Apple’s iPad tablet device on Oct. 28. [More]