
Lawsuit Claims Airbnb Failed To Properly Vet Host Who Allegedly Assaulted Guest

Man Claims Grindr Refused To Delete Multiple Fake Profiles Set Up With His Info
When you’re looking for romance online, you’re right to be cautious about fake accounts using someone else’s photos and information. But what happens when you’re the one whose image and info is repeatedly being misappropriated by an ex, resulting in scores of amorous suitors showing up on your doorstep? [More]

Customer Slashes Dunkin’ Donuts Worker’s Face After Being Asked To Leave
A disgruntled Dunkin’ Donuts customer in New York City lashed out at employees who told him to leave the eatery, allegedly slashing one worker in the face with a razor blade. [More]

Man Allegedly Fights Employees, Officers After Peeping Over Women’s Restroom Stall At Walmart
Over the years there has been no shortage of stories on Consumerist about peeping Toms hiding in women’s restrooms (the guys who fell through the movie theater ceiling) or department store changing rooms (the man who was chased by a topless woman at Kohl’s). But the latest unsettling incident took a dramatic turn after the alleged ogler supposedly assaulted employees and police officers after being found out. [More]

Police: Woman Swilled Other Customers’ Drinks, Hit TGI Fridays Manager In Head With A Glass
It’s bad enough to purloin drinks from your fellow restaurant patrons, but police in upstate New York say one TGI Fridays customer added insult to injury by not only walking around sipping from other customers’ beverages, but she then allegedly smashed a drinking glass against the manager’s head after being told she’d have to leave. [More]

Police Say Texas Teens Shot Blow Darts At Fellow Walmart Shoppers
Two Texas 18-year-old men have been accused of treating Walmart customers like some kind of animal to be hunted. Police say the twosome blew darts at shoppers, including an elderly woman on a motorized scooter and a 10-year-old boy. [More]

Make It Stop: Second Report This Week Of A Man Groping A Female Passenger On A Flight
It was only yesterday that we were bemoaning the fact that yet again, we had to call attention to a report of a man arrested for molesting a female passenger on a flight. Here we are today with another story — a different man and a different victim, but all too familiar allegations. [More]

Walmart Greeter Asks For Receipt, Customer Punches Her In The Face
On Christmas Eve in Batavia, N.Y., an elderly Walmart greeter asked a 26-year-old customer for the receipt for her electronics purchases. Instead, the customer allegedly punched her in the face and tried to flee. A mob of customers chased her and prevented her car from leaving the parking lot, and she’s now in jail, charged with two counts of assault. Here’s the unusual part: the customer had receipts for all of her purchases. [More]

Wait On Line To Show Your Costco Receipt Or You Will Be Assaulted
Let’s say you’re in a rush after buying a fan at Costco. You look past the line packed with people and carts and spy a lone employee standing by the exit. Do you walk over and show your receipt? What’s the worst that could happen? Let’s ask Reader Shay. [More]

Customer Punches Grocery Store Manager Over Price Of Crab Cakes
A man in Sandusky, Ohio, grew so angry at the price of some crab cakes that he punched the store manager “five or six times,” head butted him, and spit in his face. According to the Associated Press article, there was a pricing error in the customer’s favor, and the manager had offered to give the customer the first crab cake at the incorrect price but wanted to charge full price for the rest. [More]

82-Year-Old Receipt Checker Chases Thief
This security footage from a BJ’s Wholesale in Florida shows a man trying to steal two computers, and the store’s elderly greeter/receipt-checker giving chase. Almost all the good stuff happens off screen, so you’ll have to imagine the awesome karate moves that probably ensued. It’s retail crime fighting in action!

Reader Says He Was Tackled At Walmart For Not Showing Receipt
Robby didn’t feel like showing his receipt to the Walmart receipt checker, and when the guy came after him, Robby ignored him. That’s when other shoppers started closing in on him, and why he started running.

Marriott Drops "It's Your Fault" Claim In Rape Case
After it broke last week that Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa was claiming it was the fault of the victim and her two toddlers that she was raped in their parking garage, the hotel has decided to withdraw the claim. They also apologized for the rape in a general sort of way—but not for subpoenaing her friends and professional acquaintances who otherwise would not have known about the crime.

Be Sure To Wear Your Wetsuit, Blindfold, Pepper Spray Necklace To Florida's Water Parks
Various water parks in Florida have taken on a weird Westworld vibe this summer, only instead of robots gone mad it’s fellow parkgoers, and instead of trying to kill you they’re trying get at your genitals. And by “you” we mean teenaged girls and boys.

Tennessee Suspends And Opens Investigation Of Police Officer Who Shoved Walmart Receipt Checker
Earlier this month, we wrote about a Tennessee police officer who shoved a 71-year-old Walmart greeter to the ground after he tried to check his receipt. He originally wasn’t going to face charges; now he’s been suspended and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is looking into it.

Police Officer Shoves Walmart Receipt Checker To The Ground, Won't Be Charged
Apparently even more annoyed with receipt checking than we are, a Tennessee police officer shoved a 71-year-old Walmart employee to the ground after the employee tried to check his receipt, then pushed a customer through a glass door. That’s a bit much.

This Walmart Guard's Loss Prevention Strategy Includes Tackling
Joseph Gregorie, a (former?) Walmart loss prevention officer, is going to make sure nobody steals on his watch, especially not in this economic climate. After seeing a 58-year-old woman stuff several items in her tote bag and head for the exit, he introduced himself. She dropped the bag but continued to leave the store, so he “grabbed [her] in a bear-hug and threw her to the ground,” giving the woman a pretty impressive looking black eye in the process. They’ve both been arrested.