
Thanks All The Same, Steve Jobs, But We'd Rather Have The Cash

Thanks All The Same, Steve Jobs, But We'd Rather Have The Cash

In response to the announcement issued yesterday by Mr. Jobs, I would like to know how is it even reasonable to expect that pissed off customers WANT $100 towards more Apple gear? What good does $100 towards new stuff do, if I never plan to shop at Apple again as a result of this greedy stunt? I’m in the tech industry–one could reasonably expect that a new version and a lower price would happen around December, given the holidays and the fact that it’s 6 months after the launch. But this week, and a 33% cut? That’s outrageous, especially when the standard return policies for most smart retailers are 30, 60 or 90 days…not 14. Apple has just destroyed their brand in my eyes.

Letter To Steve Jobs: One Apple Obsessed Fan Becomes "Disenchanted" After iPhone Price Chop

Letter To Steve Jobs: One Apple Obsessed Fan Becomes "Disenchanted" After iPhone Price Chop

Reader M is obsessed with Apple.

5 Options If You Got Shafted By Yesterday's iPhone Price Cut

5 Options If You Got Shafted By Yesterday's iPhone Price Cut

Early Adopter Syndrome can strike anyone—our fancy N95 is less than six months old and has just been kicked to the curb by Nokia for a new version that works with US 3G—so we sympathize with all of you who just shelled out $600 for that great iPod/so-so phone combo from Apple. The Unofficial Apple Weblog offers the following five suggestions on how to fix your little $200 problem.

Great Moments In Commercial History: Apple

We like watching ads for outdated technology. It reminds us not to spend tons on money on soon-to-be obsolete junk, and also makes us feel happy that technology is so much better than it was in 1984.

iPhone Price Chopped Already, 8GB $200 Cheaper

iPhone Price Chopped Already, 8GB $200 Cheaper

Consumerist always advises that eager beavers take a moment to relax and think before running out to buy the next new thing.

Consumerist Advanced

NBC Will Not Renew iTunes Contract

NBC Will Not Renew iTunes Contract

The New York Times is reporting that NBC will not renew its contract to provide content to Apple’s iTunes service. A spokesperson from NBC confirmed the decision after an anonymous source leaked it to the Times but did not comment on why NBC was dropping iTunes.

AT&T Stops Sending Several Hundred Page Long iPhone Bills

AT&T yesterday decided to stop raping forests and stop sending customers several hundred-page long iPhone bills itemizing every single photo they accessed while web-browsing. The change was announced In a text message sent out to subscribers that read:

AT&T free msg: We are simplifying you paper bill, removing itemized detail. To view all detail go to Still need full paper bill? Call 611

Tasty Blog Snack blogger Justine Ezarik, whose video of opening the box containing her 300 page bill received several million views, curtly thanked AT&T for the shift in a new video, above. She all but places her hands on her hips, bucks her head and says, “Thass right, girlfriend,” but we’re sure that’s only because she doesn’t want to damage the iPhone she’s holding.

iPhone Defective? That'll Be $29 For A Loaner

iPhone Defective? That'll Be $29 For A Loaner

Reader Jonathan’s iPhone just keeps breaking. The second time, rather than replacing it, they decided it would need to be repaired—and tried to charge him $30 for a rental phone.

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

Like others, Pierre had found out the hard way just how extremely expensive international data transfer rates are…

Is AT&T Crippling The Blackberry So It Doesn't Make The iPhone Look Bad?

Is AT&T Crippling The Blackberry So It Doesn't Make The iPhone Look Bad?

Over at Blackberry Cool they’re claiming that an AT&T insider told them AT&T had bullied RIM into crippling the Blackberry’s GPS features so it wouldn’t make the iPhone look bad in comparison.


AT&T experiencing coast-to-coast data service outages, reader Michael writes, with users unable to connect to EDGE via iPhone or use data via Blackberries. Reportedly, it should be fixed within 1-2 hours. (P)

Apple Won't Refund My Macbook, Which Is A Lemon

Apple Won't Refund My Macbook, Which Is A Lemon

“Dear Consumerist,

Update: Replacement iPhones Will Work With Prepaid SIM Cards

Remember JD? 32 hours of tech support from Apple and AT&T couldn’t coax his replacement iPhone into working with his prepaid SIM card. After we posted his story, representatives from both companies had a powwow and traced JD’s problem back to mismatched IMEI numbers. Now JD’s replacement iPhone works, and he has advice for anyone in a similar bind:

Received a call from an extremely helpful AT&T representative yesterday. She was informed of the situation by Apple, and worked with them to resolve it. Along with AT&T, I received a call from an Apple executive, who was also extremely helpful. Thanks to them both for getting to the bottom of this situation.

No Replacements For Prepaid iPhone Users

No Replacements For Prepaid iPhone Users

iPhone owners using prepaid SIM cards better take extra special care of their pocket trophies. According to Apple and AT&T, prepaid SIM cards are eternally wed without consent to one lucky iPhone, an important caveat reader JD discovered after spending 32 hours trying to activate his replacement iPhone. JD warns:

If you activated an iPhone with a new AT&T prepaid plan, you *must* keep using that iPhone. You *cannot* replace that iPhone with another iPhone. The only way to use a new iPhone with your prepaid account, is to *create a new account with a new phone number,* and have them move your balance over. Period. Apparently this is a “security feature” and the system was “designed that way,” specifically for prepaid iPhone plans.

The discouraging verdict from both Apple and AT&T should make potential iPhone users think twice before using a prepaid SIM card to skirt the confines of a two year contract. JD’s full story, after the jump.

Apple Debits Money From The Wrong Account, Now You Can't Pay Your Mortgage

Apple Debits Money From The Wrong Account, Now You Can't Pay Your Mortgage

Julie would really like to pay her mortgage, but she can’t. Why not? Because when she tried to help her son buy a MacBook, Apple decided to debit $1517.27 from her account without permission. When she called to tell them they’d pulled the money from the wrong card, causing her account to over draft, they apologized and told her they’d fix it. Instead, they debited another $186 from Julie’s account, and another $1517.27 from her son’s account.

iPhone Sends Itemized Bill For Every Single Image You Access

iPhone Sends Itemized Bill For Every Single Image You Access

Unfortunately, Apple’s design gurus didn’t get to lovingly sculpt AT&T’s billing system, so when the first iPhone users opened their bills this month, they got a surprise. Actually, pages upon pages of surprises. Every single image gets assessed a fee based on its kilobytes, and is then painstakingly itemized on your AT&T bill.

The Sun And I Hate My Dell Laptop's Screen

The Sun And I Hate My Dell Laptop's Screen

I was very close to tossing my computer through some glass this morning.