
Leaked Pix Of iPhone's New Firmware Upgrades

Leaked Pix Of iPhone's New Firmware Upgrades

Leaked photos have surfaced showing off the iPhone’s new firmware upgrades, which include:

  • multimedia messaging
  • horizontal typing
  • compass
  • video and voice recording an
  • a camera autofocus that lets you select your point of focus by tapping your finger on the touch screen

More photos at the Apple 2.0. blog.

After Taking Whipping From iPod, Redesigned Zune Will Battle iPod Touch

After Taking Whipping From iPod, Redesigned Zune Will Battle iPod Touch

Microsoft’s Zune is like Rocky in his fight with Ivan Drago. After getting the crap thoroughly beaten out of it in front of the entire civilized world, the Zune just keeps stepping back into the ring for more punishment.


There’s a new free app for the iPhone called Audiobooks that connects you to 1800 public domain recordings, mostly of classic books. [TUAW]

Watch Out For Fraudulent ITunes Purchases, Whether You Have An ITunes Account Or Not

Watch Out For Fraudulent ITunes Purchases, Whether You Have An ITunes Account Or Not

I woke up this morning to an email stating I had made two $50 gift card purchases [on iTunes Music Store]. I contacted my bank and apple, then did a google search and found that many others had the same thing happen to them.

Create A Phone Stand For Free With A Business Card

Create A Phone Stand For Free With A Business Card

Some PR person just sent us a notice about a new wallet-sized iPhone stand, which reminded us that there’s an easy and free alternative, and it most probably works for a lot of other (fairly thin) media devices as well.

Trent Reznor Compares Apple To, Gasp, Walmart

Trent Reznor Compares Apple To, Gasp, Walmart

NIN front man Trent Reznor is angry at Apple for rejecting the new Nine Inch Nails iPhone app update because it contains “objectionable content.” The objectionable content referenced is the song ‘The Downward Spiral,’ which you can buy on iTunes. Reznor posted the rejection letter on NIN’s forums, and then launched into a rant about censorship — comparing Apple to Walmart. (NSFW language inside)

Will Apple Gobble Up Electronic Arts?

Will Apple Gobble Up Electronic Arts?

CNBC’s Guy Adami said on CNBC’s Fast Money TV show that there’s talk that Apple may try to take over video game goliath Electronic Arts.

Macbook Air Stabbed In Face With Kitchen Knife

Macbook Air Stabbed In Face With Kitchen Knife

Well here’s one way to say you think the Macbook Air hinge sucks… by stabbing it in the face with a kitchen knife! Ree! Ree! Ree! Ree! I dunno, maybe people who can’t type also can’t open and close their Macbooks properly. Just a thought.

$2164.89 Paving Stone in a MacBook Pro Box Looks Nice, But Won't Run Photoshop

$2164.89 Paving Stone in a MacBook Pro Box Looks Nice, But Won't Run Photoshop

A lot of readers sent us the story of a Florida teen who received the awesome birthday gift of some rocks and crumpled up Chinese newspapers inside a Nintendo DS box. After some fuss and the discovery that another customer had already returned the same box of rocks, Wal-Mart made the situation right. Reader Ryan found himself in a similar situation, but without the happy ending (yet!): a Texas Best Buy sold him a paving stone instead of a Macbook Pro.

Free iPhone App Improves Paypal And EBay Security

Free iPhone App Improves Paypal And EBay Security

We’ve posted before about security keys—those little digital keyfobs that generate expiring security codes over and over and make it incredibly hard for someone to gain unauthorized access to your account. They’re a great idea, and now if you own an iPhone you can install a Verisign app that will work with Paypal and eBay, as well as about two dozen lesser known sites. It’s probably the easiest step you can take to vastly improve security on those accounts.


All the outrage over Sling Media’s iPhone app—which would have only worked with the latest Slingbox models—may have been moot. Boy Genius Report says they’ve received a tip that AT&T asked Apple to kill the app due to concerns about potential bandwidth drain. Update: JosephFinn points out that the tip is likely fake, as the IP address came from a prison. [IntoMobile]

Apple Sells You The Wrong AppleCare Package, Then Loses Your Refund

Apple Sells You The Wrong AppleCare Package, Then Loses Your Refund

Apple sold reader Melody the wrong AppleCare package, but instead of switching her to the proper coverage, they issued a refund and told her to re-purchase the warranty extension. They even gave her American Express transaction reference numbers so she could track the refund, but AmEx says the numbers are invalid and that they have no record of a refund posting. Melody’s been out $195 since February, and thinks it’s time for Apple to cough up her money.

Sling Media's $50 Discount Worthless, Might Even End Up Costing You More

Sling Media's $50 Discount Worthless, Might Even End Up Costing You More

When Sling Media finally released their iPhone app last week, they conveniently turned off access to older Slingbox devices in order to force customers to buy newer models. As a gesture—only a gesture, nothing more—of their gratitude toward existing customers who supported them by already buying Slingboxes, they offered a $50 credit toward the purchase of a newer model.

Rumor: AT&T To Start Forcing iPhone Data Plan On iPhone 3G Owners Who Aren't Using One

Rumor: AT&T To Start Forcing iPhone Data Plan On iPhone 3G Owners Who Aren't Using One

The iPhone blog says that AT&T is going to start contacting iPhone owners who aren’t using an official iPhone data plan and force them to sign up for one. The crackdown supposedly starts tomorrow in the Atlanta and Austin markets, and expands nationwide by the end of the month.

Woot Wants You To Understand: You Will Get White Headphones

Woot Wants You To Understand: You Will Get White Headphones

Do you remember Millard? He was the angry customer who demanded that Woot send him black iPod headphones to match his black iPod, and claimed to have been misled by the company. Woot is selling black iPods today and wants to make it very clear—”in case your monitor can’t display pictures, or you’re black-white colorblind”—you will receive white earbuds with your iPod. Sorry, Millard, Woot is still refusing to cooperate by inventing a black version of the Apple product.

Worst Company In America: Apple VS United Healthcare

Worst Company In America: Apple VS United Healthcare

Do pricey, pretty computers have a dark side? Or will you choose a health care company that insures 70 million individuals nationwide? Who will feel your wrath?

iPod Mechanic Stole Over 9,000 iPods From Apple, Feds Say

iPod Mechanic Stole Over 9,000 iPods From Apple, Feds Say

An iPod repair shop, that we ripping Apple off for 9,000+ iPod shuffles. The feds charged Nicholas Woodman with jacking iPod shuffles from Apple by guessing shuffle serial numbers from a shuffle replacement site without actually ever buying the original shuffles himself.

iPhone To Be Sold Contract Free, But Costs A Fortune And Still Ties You To AT&T

iPhone To Be Sold Contract Free, But Costs A Fortune And Still Ties You To AT&T

AT&T has announced that starting next week, it will sell the iPhone 3G to current AT&T customers sans 2-year contract, possibly in an attempt to move inventory. Unfortunately, the conditions of the sale are such that it’s not worth it unless you’re determined to own a brand new, out-of-warranty (i.e. jailbroken) iPhone 3G that you intend to use on another network. (Note: our readers point out that even that route is far cheaper if you buy with contract and pay the ETF.) Otherwise, you’ll still be locked to AT&T and you’ll still have to buy the more expensive smartphone data plan, which doesn’t include text messaging. For no-contract bragging rights, you’ll have to pay $600 or $700 depending on the model.